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You do not want co2 in your water…
Oxygen only…
I use neoprene collars to seal off plant water and I only grow In water and nutrients…
:v:t4: :sunglasses:


Are you pumping o2 into a reservoir?

If so check that the amount of o2 pushed into the the nutrient solution isn’t too much to off gas the solution which will result in the fluctuations your creating


I’m not pumping I have an ordinary compressor

Where does this air go?

Maybe I’m mistaken but compressor for oxygenating h20 sounds quite like your putting air into water your hydroponics system is using. If correct try to fix issue by limiting amount of forced air from compressor using a shutoff valve

Nie som si istý, či som správne pochopil. Mám vypnúť prívod vzduchu?

Kompresor som vo vedľajšej miestnosti premiestnil do O2, aby sa Co2 nemiešal s O2 v kultivátore a netlačil ho späť do hydropinickej prevádzky H2O.

PH vystrelil z 5,8 na 6,8 za 4 hodiny.
EK za 20 hodín od 0,8 do 1,8.

hnojivo pre kanny.
Počiatočná voda ES 0,3 a PH 6.2. H2o, ležíš 64 hodín.

V prehliadači som mal mosadznú chladiacu rúrku H2o. Prerobil som to na plast, alebo sa to náhodou neoxiduje v H2O nádrži. Nepomohlo to…

Môžu hodnoty kultivácie ovplyvniť svetlo z hadice do nádrže? alebo kovové predmety?

UŽ SOM Nárok : mračiť sa:

@Bogleg @Covertgrower @peachfuzz @jambi1214 @PharmerBob @pillsbury @peachfuzz @Bogleg @Nicky @HappyHydroGrower

I’m lost.
Is this eastern Europen or Russian?

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@Nicky i reverted it back to the English version above.


Can you draw the system out on a piece of paper, label everything and upload a picture of it so we can fully understand how you built this and have it running.
Full hydro can get complex so give us all the details and that way we can visualize what exactly is going on here.

@Covertgrower thank you for that


Don’t remove air supply but regulate it better and you’ll stabilize that ph a bit more.

As far as Ec, your plants are drinking more than feeding so top off with plain water to return to normal level

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Eastern Europe … Czech Republic…
translating text via google translator…
thank you for your patience


Today I’m going to take a picture of the whole growbox and draw a diagram.


I called it! I mean we’ll narrowed it down.

You guys make Awsome firearms!


@Bogleg @Covertgrower @peachfuzz @jambi1214 @PharmerBob @pillsbury @peachfuzz @Bogleg @Nicky @HappyHydroGrower

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I put reverse osmosis water yesterday.
Initial EC water 0.0 ph 6.1.
I adjusted the gowbox solution to EC 1.0 and PH 5.2.
After 12 hours I have a PH of 6.8 and an EC of 1.3 …
@Bogleg @Covertgrower @peachfuzz @jambi1214 @PharmerBob @pillsbury @peachfuzz @Bogleg @Nicky @HappyHydroGrower


Can you list what you are feeding and in what order you are mixing them exactly?


canna fertilizer.
first A then B basic fertilizer.
3- rhizotonic
5 cal-mag.
I mix the fertilizer in half the recommended dosage.
After 12-24 hours EC 0.8 to 1.2-1.4.
normal water 0.3EC

On Friday I tried water from reverse osmosis. EC0.0
it didn’t help.

I mix each fertilizer for 10 minutes

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Does the instructions say to add calmag last?
Most nutrients in hydro should mix calmag before nutes.
That might be a problem.

@peachfuzz @Myfriendis410 little help here please. Im not sure about the canna nutes. Thanks!


If using silica that first followed by cal mag then whatever order required for your nutrient line.


Silica than cal-mag than micro than everything else.
Constant stirring… :+1:t4:
Sorry @spyonyou , I meant @hydrofonyx
:v:t4: :sunglasses: