PM late in flowering. Still have white pistols

So unfortunately PM is rearing it’s ugly head late in flowering. It’s on the leaves and I’d say it’s on majority of them. Not yet on the buds. Thinking about flushing and just chopping away. Is there anything I can do to slow the pm down and let the plant finish normally. I don’t wanna affect the taste or terpenes. Still got some white pistols on all the buds

Do you have a better/close-up picture?


I’m not convinced that is WPM, though it could be present. I see a lot of trichs on the sugar leaves.

You have a touch of nitrogen burn.


I’ll have to wait till I get off work. But here’s one it’s blurry. But pm is there

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You can fill a sprayer with a 50/50 mix of peroxide and water and give it a mist. This will kill the mildew and prevent it spreading. Won’t hurt the plant. Then do a good wash with peroxide and water at harvest. Your plant is covered with trichs too though. Not bad looking. Good luck!

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Snip any leaf that shows a stem. Itll remove alot of wasted space. WPM and mold in general likes dark damp places. Remove the environment that helps them reproduce, then increase airflow.

But ull want to hit them with some kind of natural fungicide. I see people swearing by diluted milk in water. Ive used peroxide diluted in water to combat some pests and a bit of mold. But the mold got to the point i harvested what was good.

How far into flower are you? And a good pic showing how bad the spread is would help