Please long does she have to be ready?

I can tell you what i see…

Purple light, very hard to tell real colors… Coloring tells alot about the plant.

4 times the same picture and none in normal light…

A good picture in normal light would help alot…

On topic 3 weeks minimum…

ETA: sorry lost the plot… Can’t stand the blurple pics anymore…

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Thanks a lot, man, you’ve helped me a lot! :call_me_hand:t2:

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Like @beardless said: you’ve got a lot of time left to go. No reason to be checking trichomes yet. Pictures in white light and single out one cola to photograph.

This is what you are looking for at harvest:


I’m missing the autumnal colour :wink:

Hi, It’s me again, but this time with better pictures, i hope they are clear enough :grin: Tell me any tips you have about her please?


Looks like too much nitrogen…

Otherwise looking good I like the shape.
If you have decent lighting she will fill out these buds…

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You do have some N excess approaching toxicity. Not sure what you are growing in or what if any nutes given; maybe put that up for me to see.

Plant needs a solid 3 weeks and possibly 4 IMO. Plant is in okay health, and is putting on bulk now. If you haven’t (depending on soil) a good bloom booster with a higher P and K content will be helpful. I would also plan to remove older fan leaves I see still on the plant. Be judicious but plant will be releasing them before too long anyway and that gets some N out of the circuit by removing them.

As plant matures you will see signs of senescence and a reduction in nutrient demand. Usually this manifests itself as ‘tip burn’ which tells you that you can cut back on supplements.

Hope that helps.