Planted seed to early

Ok so i started the year early. Im new to the game and had no idea i should’ve waited until mid march to start my seeds. So i started them in late January. My question is can i cover my plants during daylight hours in summer to avoid revegging. Or should i let it flower and reveg for a bigger yield

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Where are you located?

Are you planning on growing outdoors?

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Yes i have a green house

Are your plants in flower now? If so they might finish before a reveg. I just harvested plants outdoors I started inside in November. Last year I put seedlings out on March 3rd and the finished.

If not in flower, I would try and avoid the reveg. When that happens the buds that have partially formed die and cause bud rot.

The best would be to get a supplemental light to lengthen the daylight hours to say 16 hours. Your plant/plants will get huge, so maybe the best option is to take clones.

Once Summer Solstice hits, remove the supplemental lighting and your plants will finish on cue.

Got pics?

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