Plant troubles please help

hi could u help should i give these a feed now then water tomorrow and contiue to do this please help



so i am about to do this so should i feed them now then water tomoz whats the best way round

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Give them a feeding: try for about 700 to 800 ppm to start. PH 5.8. Water until runoff. Capture last 100 ml and measure PH and TDS. Record these numbers.


just fed didnt catch any run of forgot i have not got a ec pen only ph mine broke and i cant afford another one yet just fed till i got run off but why would u water them with ph water and calmag the next day wont it flush all the nutes out just were am from few friends said they never heard of doing this and there good growers am in uk by the way cant get my head round it haha

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Looks like Mattybear and Myfriendis410 have you set. Just wanted to add that you may not necessarily have an issue with nitrogen now, but you probably did. And canna two part has nitrogen in it.


Def get that lower. You might have lock out situation @lastgasp2

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How do I solve lockout am getting told so many different things I have watered till run of what do I do

Usually by flushing your medium with 3x your pot size with plain ph’d water. It’s basically wiping the slate clean so you can start fresh
Disclosure : I’m fairly new to growing that being said @dbrn32 @Myfriendis410 have always provided me with sound advice and they won’t steer you wrong.


Hi mate just so I got this need to set me mind straight I should feed then water with ph 5.8 with bit cal mag then feed should i do this everyday feed water feed water exc or do I let the coco go dry I fed them last night till ru off so when I go again do I feed ph water with cal mag just need to get it right I thought watering would wash nutes out all help I can get will help me along the way if u could help cheers mate


In veg you can get away with a couple days between watering in most cases. I’d feed half strength nutrients, let dry out a little, then plain water with calmag, let dry out a little, then half strength nutrients. Rinse and repeat. Depending on your lighting system, you may want to go to a feed, feed, water schedule. That is what I currently do with the nutrients I’m using now :v::bear:


Am in flower now just flipped on thurs 12 12. I will try this out cheers

Hi mate just so I got this need to set me mind straight I should feed then water with ph 5.8 with bit cal mag then feed should i do this everyday feed water feed water exc or do I let the coco go dry I fed them last night till ru off so when I go again do I feed ph water with cal mag just need to get it right I thought watering would wash nutes out all help I can get will help me along the way if u could help cheers mate


Done my first feed till run off but I think they look worse do u continue doing this or will I drown these girls remember am in first week flower please help

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Is that heat, too much water or N toxicity? @Bogleg? @kabongster?

What was the ph and the ppm of your runoff?

Uhh… looks like over feeding to me. I’d like to know the PH and PPM numbers for the run-off too.

I’d probably flush that plant, follow up the flush with a very light (1/4 strength) feeding, and see what happens.

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I was told this was nute burn or water slash. All I have been doing is watering but is seems to keep getting worse and worse and it’s starting to affect the new leaves by the stem. What should I do

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I have done all this mate I have been told to feed water feed water dose any one know what I should do am getting loads different answers am in coco I have flushed these 3 times my ph is 5.8 now can u help

Bro that’s because you keep asking in different threads and different people. Stick with your first post where there is some really good advice and let those couple of growers mentor you through. The more you keep posting in different threads the more you will continue to get different opinions. I would stick with the mentors in your original post they know exactly what they are talking about.