Plant Drooping at Night

Others have you covered, welcome to the community and happy growing!

Welcome to the forum, I would assume heat as an issue or air flow during bedtime :crescent_moon: to much light noway as long as they sleep :zzz:

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Update: So this little girl is moving fast and furious, drinking at least a gallon a day, during her final stretch. Watering was in fact part of the issue. Iā€™ll watch that closely. I have the Ledā€™s at 14". Last night she was drooping at 8:30 (nowhere as bad as 2 days ago) with lights out at 11. This morning bright and cheerful. I removed the T5 for now. My temperature is running from 68-70 at night and 77-81 day. Humidity 45-55 avg. I think she stretch is about over.

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I am going to watch the plantsā€™ reaction to watering. Last night she started drooping at 8:30. I had watered in 2 stages 6:30pm and 7PM. I get you on watering at or around lights on and work toward that, but lights on is 5am. lol

Looks really good.

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Ya, if lights are coming on at 5am and youā€™re not watering until 630pm i would expect you will see issues

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Update: My plant is fine and I would like to thank everybody for trying to help diagnose the issue. Those of you that have been growing for awhile know that occasionally you are going to do something really stupid. Well, stupid is was what stupid does.
ā€œWhen you are running a humidifier for 18 hours a day, FILL THE DAMN THING WITH DISTILLED WATER!ā€
I knew I had a problem with the humidifier (tap) water. I was using almost a gallon a day and started seeing a film settle around my house. While researching a solution for cheap distilled water I began filling it with filtered water from the fridge. When Big Ike started shutting down I got back to basics. Itā€™s been 5 days since I switched to distilled water. I donā€™t have enough evidence to prove that was the problem, but if it looks like a duckā€¦

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Itā€™s when it droops all day long , thatā€™s when we have issues