Organics with the Hippie

Kind of an exciting day today. Over 75% of the seeds have broken ground and are looking good.

Today is also the day I start preparing for the 1 gallon pots. Soil that is! I first get a small pool to mix the soil in. The small blue ones at Bi-Mart work great.

I’m first starting with a small amount of native soil from the area. This is from last seasons round so it’s super dry. I would suggest getting fresh soil if possible. This will contain live organisms that are adapted to your environment. This will also give the plants a taste of what’s to come in there funnel resting place outdoors.

Next I’m adding 1 3/4 bag of Coco Loco. You can get this at your loco grow shop. It’s a good starting blend for smaller vetting plants. It’s not a hot blend at all so there won’t be any chance of burning.

This next step is where things can very ‘alot’. I tend to do less than most growers as I feel I can always add beneficial items later if needed.
This round I’m adding the following…
3 cups bio live
2/3 humic acid
1/3 gypsum
1 cup Bokashi
1/6 cup fish bone powder

I’m not using a lot of kelp this year because there has been so many classes of finished flower testing high in arsonic. Due to the kelp! Say what… ya man for real.

Once I have added everything I go ahead and mix the soil. This step can take some time. About 5-10 minutes. I want to make sure all the nutrients are evenly distributed and there are no hot spots.

A hot spot is where a certain nutrients is builds up. Once the root breaks into this little pocket of nutrients it can send a negative shock/effect to the entire plant.

Once everything is mixed up I add the coco fiber. The little extra coco fiber that is being added really helps with the overall water retention and consistency of the soil. It also allows the little roots of the tiny plants to soak up more nutrients over a period of time.

I’m using compressed coco fiber. I’m breaking off a small amount and putting it into a clean and sanitized plastic tub.

This next step is very critical when working with compressed fiber. I boils about 6 cups of water and dump it onto the fiber. Lets it sit for a few minutes. Next I mix in warm water from the sink. Just warm enough to work with. Just enough to saturate everything. Break up the fiber up real good. Add more water if you have a lot of dry spot.

Once the fiber of mixed up for about 10 minutes cap the tub. Let this sit for 45 minutes. This is allowing the fiber to fully hydrate and reach its maximum amount.

Once the fiber of hydrated it’s back to the soil mix. I dump the soggy fiber into the soil. Once again I mid the soil by hand for about 5 minutes. You want to try and evenly disperse amongst the entire mix.

The fiber on top of the soil in the photo is still hott and steaming. This will help blend all the added nutrients together with the grapes steam.

After the soil mixture has been created I wait for about three days. This allows the fiber to dry out and will allow me to mix one last time.

All the 1 gallon grow bags will get this blend while they are being grown indoors. These pots will be set in the grow trailer for the next month. Within the next week I will be adding a cover crop to all. That’s right! Cover crop on an indoor crop. Hmm……

Happy farming all and thanks for sticking around :slight_smile: You are all amazing!