Odor control? Ionizers why?why not?

Had a friend who smoked dirt weed blunts late 90’s.
His ionizer wasnt much bigger than a 10x10x10 inches, no smell 10 15 mins later.

We used commercial ionizers on our ships, trust me, you didn’t want to smell crews berthing after ventilation was off.

Yeah or nea on ionizers for odor control.


As long as you dont mind it killing the terpene smells too.
Ionizers oxidize everything. Maybe in a room disconnected to keep odors from being noticed but not in the grow room.
Its also unhealthy for humans so care must be taken.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe you not supposed to in a room with a inonizer running


Most sailors in my era spent alot of time with them. 12.5 yrs at sea. Not hearing of any health related issues.

Just looking at options.


My buddy spent a grand back in the 90s. Now, as cheap as 350.00. The filtered units look like they take up alot of valuable space. Have not found pricing on other options.

Outside the space works.

You wont need to look very far to find the information relating to its negative side affects. We used them for industrial cleaning and they are pretty specific about not operating them while in the room and also venting the rooms thoroughly before being occupied again. Here’s a cute slide I found. Also looks like it could be bad for your plants.


It will kill every living green plant in its range . I used one small in our tent killed two plants

We not talking ozone generators,

Ionizers, same used hepa, and other air purifiers

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Oh ok air purifirers i dk basement big area to unstink here

Sorry about that @Mosca. I was clearly mistaken on what you had written.

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I know what they did for odor control in the navy. 80 men in the same quarters. Not much odor, turn them off, in less than 30 minutes, you knew who hasnt done laundry in a while and other things.

They are tiny, yet can clear a 20x20 room of smoke.

Haven’t read anything on here.

Why why not?


No problem.