Nutrient issues/stress? Looking to flip to flower

Im currently growing 3 Northern Lights/1 Gold Leaf photos. I am wanting to flip to flower but want to make sure the issues I am seeing will allow it. A few of the leaves have what looks like burnt tips. Appears to be minimal but I’m not 100%. I cut off the other leaf in the pics below that has browned. This was the only leaf like this. I topped and defoliated the larger fan leaves just over a week ago. I have been using FFOF since the beginning and only recently seeing these issues. I’m still learning what leaves look like under different conditions which is why I am looking for advice. Do these look well enough to flip? Thanks in advance!

Tent: 3x3x6
Light: California Lightworks Solar System 550 LED light with spectrum currently set to R49 W99 B99.
Exhaust: 4" 190CFM fan w/charcoal filter
Circulation fan: 2x 6" AC Infinity Oscillating
Heater: Vornado

Temp: ~75 (lights on), 68-70(lights off)
Humidity: ~65
Water: Tap for watering, distilled for humidifier
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
Nutrients: None at this time


Shoot bro these girls look awsome :star_struck:
Tiniest bit of burt tips like that is very common, even more then that sometimes.
One leaf here and there especially on the bottom with a really bad spot but otherwise looks healthy is pretty common to.
But flip them beautiful ladys and let us know what tjey look like as they progress :grin:


That’s good to hear! As a first time grower, I get worried about everything. Sort of like having your first kid.


Completely understand.
Once flipped things will start happening quickly.
They will potentially "most all ways but not always " “streach” fir a few weeks. That is grow taller, they want grow new branches or bud sites but can get alot taller.
And FF soils will need supplemental nutrients typically after the pants neen growing in it 4-6 weeks…

If you need any assistance just reach out and me or someone can try to help :slightly_smiling_face:


Ill agree with Pappy here plants look great as he mentioned tho as well after about 4 to 5 weeks of the ppants being in the soil its good to start using nutrients a good way of checking to see how much is in the soil still is to get a tds reading on your run off if its 900ppm or lower its time to start nutrients

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Look great. Nice paint on the nails. Flip away. I would not prune till after stretch. Just me.

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I transplanted to 3g containers about 3 weeks ago with fresh soil so I probably have about a week or 2 to go before starting nutrients. I’ll be sure to check ppm as a guide. Thanks!


Will do. Thanks!


I only trimmed the large leaves because they were completely blocking out the light. They were some beautiful leaves too… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Until flower pruning is good for airflow and getting photo to grow big. I used to prune too much. Over the last couple years i have backed off with just minor pulls during flower. Only for airflow. Just me. Flowers do not feed themselves. Fans job.

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