Not sure when to harvest

Hi guys it’s my first grow I have 4 plants and Im doing well with the three of them much easier to read them I’m on 10 week and three days now, unfortunately I don’t have the Lupe eyes juelers so I can’t check the trichromes…on Monday I will have one but I’m afraid to not be too late by then…so in my lemon ak the top bud it’s growing much bigger than the lower buds even though I lst early there was a lot of leaves 3 days ago I took out some leaves and it’s starting getting puffed down as well but I don’t know if I should chop the upper bud maybe ??There is new white hairs growing and calax all over the place I’m afraid to not be in excessive growth mode already!The plant is smaller than the others and the leaves was showing signs of deficiency times to times

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If it is still putting out white pistils then it is still filling out. A couple of days until you can check trichomes will not hurt a thing. You probably have a week or two minimum.

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Thanks so much :pray:

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And you can use your phone camera. Get a zoomed in picture of it, steady, then zoom in on it. This was taken with my phone.

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@Budz Thanks man🙏 so in your picture the trichomes appears to be milky??As I don’t have experience I can’t really say if they are cloudy or transparent

Mine are all clear and I was showing someone how you can find Amber’s if you look hard enough, but they are gonna be covered up as it continues to swell. Was probably this bud actually, new pictures of same bud this morning. Still new white hairs. Long way to go, once you no longer see new white hairs, then you watch the trics they can trick you before then.

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The hairs turn orange/brown as they age. If it’s still making a bunch of new white hairs, it’s still growing, definitely don’t harvest.