No Sprout.. newbie

Hey everyone. I’m working on my second attempt. Last seeds sprouted but I lost at 3’’ to a little black fly infestation. This time I purchased the crystal strand and germinated 48 hours. Had 1’’ tap roots. 5 seeds. Put them 1’’ deep into 3-3-3 soil. Had them 18 hours under light 6 hours dark in a spare room with fan on. Watered twice a day with tap water 6 ph with spritz bottle. Only thing that went wrong was soul would be very dry quickly in-between spritzing. It dried fast. One week and no sprouting. Did I screw up?

Some people do well with Miracle Gro ,But not many. Try a soil that is made for weed .FF happy frog

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Think they may still sprout?

@Shawnscot82 I have seedllngs that are a week old and I haven’t watered them yet .I just mist the inside of the dome I place over them . Some seeds take a week or so

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Next time don’t plant them so deep, they only have to be 1/4-1/2 inch

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Good call. I would not use any fertilizer either.
1/4 I read when planting seeds only twice the width of seed is ideal.

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if you can don’t use MG soil… use like Foxfarm, Roots Organic,Black Gold,these are just some that are online…or go to your local s

\\\\\\ tore and get a soil that doesn’t have fertilizer

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How long should I wait on these before it’s safe to assume they’re not going to grow? I’ve already ordered some cotton candy strands to try again… 0 for 2…

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And I guess also to further my confusion I used the same soil and same watering on my last seeds and they sprouted no problem and we’re doing really well until some pest got into my soil. the only thing I changed this time as I moved from the garage to my spare room. The advice is not to use soil but I selected this soil specifically from a grow article that suggested a low nitrogen Bloom soil. I feel in my gut the soil is not the problem it has to be something else either I over or under watered or perhaps planted the seeds to deep? If I planted the seeds too deep does that mean they’ll just take a little bit longer to sprout or will it kill them? Thanks for your expertise everyone

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I, too, would like to know when to give up on seedlings. I have 4 Critical Bilbo and 4 Kali Mist that don't seem to want to break ground. The Critical Bilbo were all sprouted using the paper towel method, then planted in soil as soon as the root appeared. I planted one Kali Mist directly in the soil without soaking, and soaked 1 for 12 hrs then went in soil, and 2 were sprouted before planting.
The planter is  2/3 of a plastic 55 gal drum--the soil has grown pot before but has been siting idle for 5 years. The soil pH is 6.9, and I have only watered with distilled water by misting every other day.
Some of the Critical Bilbo have been in soil for 16 days and the longest Kali Mist 14 days.I may have gone a little deep with the seeds, about 1/2 inch, and the soil is very loose. 
Am I getting discouraged too soon?
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Yes that seems pretty long Did you germinate first in water ?

Can you copy and paste the link for soil?

If you’re asking me in my original post yes they terminated and had 1 in taproots before I planted them

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I see you did mention that had taproots
I had a few also that never started but that’s not saying yours won’t

I’m pretty new at this so if I have something wrong please correct me
Mistakes people make when starting seedlings
1 soaking to long 24-48 hours ,I here that some people soak for a week but I wouldn’t go longer than 3
days max
2 too much water when doing the paper towel method, damp but not wet
3 Wrong soil use weed friendly soil ,No nutrients
4 water before you planting and let the water drain and rest first
5 Planting to deep ,1/4" inch is all you need
6 lightly cover the seed ,do not compress soil on top and do not water this will make your seed go
7 Get out of your seed way ,leave it alone and just wait

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