Nitrogen toxicity during Bloom

Hi all,

I have some nitrogen toxicity in my purple haze garden. Very small brown tips, dark leaves and minimal clawing.
I didnt flush prior to flipping (now in 4th week)…stupid i know. Im growing in coco and have flushed will pH water a week ago.
Should i do anything else? From the pics, how bad is it?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Take pictures in white light cause honestly, we can not see anything

Apologies, that did just occur to me

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Not bad I like to push mine to the limits like that. Just means your giving her all she’s got Scotty.
You could back off a little on the nitrogen. If you do just watch the lower leave for yellowing. That will mean it needs a little more. Trying to find that sweet spot can be challenging.


I agree with the good doctor. She doesn’t look that bad at all imho. Keep up the good work. Give her all of your love and she’ll give it right back!


Most guys call that “painted nails” and that’s what they shoot for to know they’re giving their plants the max amount without any real harm. Looking good! But as stated above you can back it off a touch and it wouldnt hurt.

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Fantastic! Thanks for the advice. Now that i have given them a little break from nutrients i will restart feeding…using bloom nutrients of course.
Thanks again


So what are you feeding them.
Don’t forget even in flower they need a little N not as much as in veg but a little. Maybe about a third of what they get in veg. But still watch the bottom for yellowing leaves that means they need a little more. You already know what to much looks like so you will be fine. And yes give plenty of P&K in flower.
Again what are you feeding.

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Im using ‘advanced nutrients coco bloom’, the 2 part formula. Dosing recommended is 4ml/lt (sorry, metric system here) but i use this as the maximum recommendation as im aware they often overstate dosage recommendations. I was using the same brand during veg, however, their veg formula


Hey I just got some advanced nutrients part and part b coco veg how much ml did you use per LT did you use