NIGHT PICS? Please Share!

Damn Hot and Humid. Thought I would get some pictures as the girls relax for the evening!


Don’t have any current, but as soon as I can I’ll throw a few on here

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Pretty Neat how they fold there leaves down at Night, soaking up sun in the day, but yeah send some when you can, I been trying to water and Nuke them at night since it’s so hot outside

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You got that right first light the tips start reaching upwards an all relaxed at dusk. I’m on that schedule. I water an nute only at night. My girls seem to respond better that way being so hot an humid in the day

Moisture stays in the ground at night, I actually heard they grow at night, we are having 100 degree heat here so I’m having to water more than usual, Drys out fast in the heat, weed is pretty tuff, I had some looking like it was dead from heat. watered it and a hour later you couldn’t even tell


right with ya :hot_face:

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Damn that’s hot I’m in South Carolina, it’s feeling exactly the same way, plus we ain’t had any rain in a week to cool down, it’s even hot at night!

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Ooooo yeah that makes it a bit on the rough side. I’m not that far east gotta love sweet home @+@$@#@

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Christine After Dark…


Wow! That’s Beautiful nice Bud, hopefully in another month I have some

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Were Southern Growers!

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Me too. And this auto did NOT like the heat!



Nice bud! Couple more months for mine. I am a Michigan outdoor grower. Beautiful summer hobby here are a few of my babies.


Sorry, Maui, Blueberry and Strawberry Cough.

Nice they looking mighty happy :+1:

Those are nice and bushy, they look very happy

Thank you. I really am having some fun. I love growing marijuana!

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This Heat is rough, all I can do to keep them watered, they are being stressed

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I’m tryin to figure out a solution but not over water I got a spot where they were to dry then over watered

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