New Plants -- Too Much Sun?

I am starting a new batch of plants. I germinating them and planted them in 2 gallon pots and put them outside where they get full sun pretty much all day everyday. I live in Southern California where we get full sun almost everyday with daytime temps in the high 70’s to low 80’s and evenings in the 60s.

Is it OK these new plants in direct sun all day or is there some transition period? All 6 plants have sprouted 2 tiny little leaves today. 2nd question is their any special watering techniques or something I should be doing?


I’m not an expert on growing pot outdoors, but any time I’ve ever started Vegetable or flower seedlings I find it best to shade them a little until they get established. Can use something porous so it lets diffused light through

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You’re fine at those temps. Water around what you feel is their root ball. Right now that’s virtually nothing so just around the stem. You want to make the roots search for water so keep moving that ring of water out until you fill the space. Right now think just enough water to survive. Again roots have to search for water so we don’t want to oversaturate them. Let medium dry thoroughly before next water. Good luck and post pics :+1:

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Thanks for the feedback. Kind of makes sense but done some regular gardening and planting and we typically just put the seeds directly in the soil and that’s about it.

If the plants are started as seedlings in the sun they are good to go. If you start them under artificial light, they should be hardened off.

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I’m also in Southern California. In my first batch of plants a few weeks ago I didn’t put them in the sun right away. They didn’t grow well—for that reason and a host of others. I germinated a new batch last week and put them directly in the sun, these are growing much better.


Interesting, my first batch also did not grow well. They seem stunted and have not done much in many weeks. I will leave them but I’m not expecting much.

I’m now on my 2nd batch. This batch I planted directly in 2 gallon pots on May 25 (4 days ago). So far 5 of the 6 have popped their heads out of the soil. As you know we are expecting a few days of cloudy weather. I’m hoping that is not going to be an issue.


Mine were stunted for a while too. They are growing now but I feel like I lost a lot of time. The new ones are really taking off though. They are growing at twice the speed of the first batch. Just hope it’s not too late in the season to plant and get good yields at the end.

Unfortunately, mine still have only 4 small leaves and are about 1" tall. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I put them in full sun yesterday and at the end of the day 1 plant fell over. I propped it up and it seems OK but they are just not growing.

I have the 6 plants in 3 different soils and they are all doing about the same. I wish I knew what’s wrong

That’s exactly what I did. 6 of 9 made it, and growing, but seems slow. Maybe it’s just my perception?

It’s been a few hot days here is Southern Cal. Out of my 6 plants, 2 are seem to be doing well, not sure about the other 4. I used 3 different soils as a test - 2 seeds per soil type. Seems that the Home Depot soil is doing least well. My 2 plants that are doing well are only about 2" tall and have germinated 14 days ago. Does that sound right?

Don’t cull them - in veg they’ll bounce back.

Fill out a support ticket let us know what you’re using and conditions you’re seeing. They take a while to jump. Right now they’re working their roots through the soil and then they’ll start to jump. Are you phing your water? When you say Home Depot soil - can you be more specific? Is it slow release fertilizer? Over doing food in this portion can stunt them. Plants aren’t like people - can’t workout to burn off excess intake so a little goes a long way. Are the leaves dark dark green? Are the stems bright like green or purple? Are you using bottled nutes organic etc? Any info you have I’ll give you my best guess - the more the better the solution will be. Through some pics out and we’ll go from there :+1: