New batch problems

I just started my second batch and one of them looks like it tried to sprout but gave up (see picture) is this recoverable if i put it in place?

As long as tap root is present it’s worth a shot.

Yeah i just dont know where this may be considering it was completely out. I dont know how this happened considering all others sprouted fine.

Cover with dirt except leaves. May be just fine if covered.

Yeah what i did was out the end in a little and covered with the soil. Think that will be fine?

Yeah just checked and no growth. I think its dead. Probably better off planting a new one. …

This is something we’ve gotten away from mainly because seeds are so expensive. Used to be you sprouted a dozen and picked the most vigorous.

It is probably a good idea to start another one.

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I was able to remove the seed but first set of leaves didnt sprout while others are have been fully sprouted… i think its dead. Idk what couldve caused this