Never had a edible

I know. Baby I was born to run. I play guitar as one of my hobbies. I went to Seaside when I was in Jersey and visited the famous Stoned Piney. Ever heard of that place?

I don’t remember, but I don’t remember a lot from those days. It does sound familiar.

That was the club he payed in before he hit it big. An iconic place if you will. My friend in Tennessee told me that it’s like a gang territory type place now. What part of NJ are you from?

Wait, the Stoned Pony is definitely a place, but it sounds like a bar in the West Village - god, I’m stoned.

I’m from Old Bridge. My entire teen life was spent at Seaside Heights.

No s@€?. That’s the place I’m talking about goof ball.

Oh, the place in the West Village? Oh, yeah, I know that place. Duh, I thought you meant in Seaside. Lol.

Ive been to it. Your right, I did say seaside. That was the only place I could think of. That’s cool. We have some things in common. What do you Know?

So you’ve been here, very cool. I’ve been to Georgia too.

Why don’t you tell me about that

About Georgia? Hmm, I haven’t been there since I was a kid. It’s very pretty though.

Oh okay. Well I’m glad you got to have visited. It’s a nice place and I grew up in a very rural area. Hot summers and mild winters on average. I’m two hours from the coast and one plus a few minutes from the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Probably will always be home. Well see. The people here are as close to the people in Mayberry as you can get. I like it.

Mayberry, huh? That actually sounds a little scary. Seriously, when I think off Georgia, I think of Gone With The Wind.

Why would Mayberry be scary? You know, The Andy Griffith Show town.

Yeah, I know. Just kidding, it’s a New York thing.

To be honest, the South scares me these days.

It’s only scary if you hear banjo music.


LMFAO! :rofl: Yes, beware the banjos!

Why would the south be scary

Its probably best I don’t go into it. I promised myself to keep politics out of this forum.

Ooh, and you all carry friggin guns!