Never fimmed or topped my girls

Yes light plays a major role in yields. I’m glad you got that fixed up. I believe it’s around 16-18” inches @HJL how high up is your screen @VelcroThumb?

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There really is no set distance your scrog needs to be above the top of pot. You will see numbers like 16” and 24” thrown out a lot. There’s nothing wrong with either of those, but the height is fairly subjective.

The further the screen is from the top of your pot the easier it will be to do your tucking and defoliation under the screen. Especially as your screen gets bigger. But you also want to make sure you have adequate room for distance to canopy from your lights. So you just try to find a happy balance that works for your typical grow. I would say you would want an absolute minimum of 12” from the top of your pot to your screen though. And if you’re running a big screen like 4x4 probably another 6-8”.

So once you have that figured out you pretty much just let your plant grow to the net. Once the first top hits it, you start tucking it under the net. When the top or tops start getting pushed sideways, it will cause the lower branches to try and shoot up to take over. Then you start tucking those as well. Along with the new tops from lowers, you’ll also start getting bud sites along branches you’ve already been tucking as well.

It’s a great way to maximize your canopy production if you don’t mind spending a little extra time in veg.


@Covertgrower mine is 25inches above floor

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So how many times would you is normal and do you run a longer veg cycle? Of course I’m referring to photos. I just tried to fim one and it appears to be coming back. I did the 5th node. I’m thinking about vegging for another month and have thought about fiming again but I don’t want to push my luck as I’m totally new to all this.

So I had 3 plants that I fimed and 2 that I didn’t.
One of the fimed girls was fimed early on and staked down. She is now a 1.5 x 2 ft bush that is a week out from harvest.
The other two I fimed and didn’t stake down. They are absolute monsters!!! But they don’t have very much lateral growth.

By the looks of things I’m guessing that I will get much more from the ones that I didn’t stake down but the smaller buds look superior in the frosty category.