My seedlings have not popped out

I’m currently tried growing 2 Girl Scout cookie plants and this is my second time trying to get the seedlings to pop out. The first time, the seedlings did pop a little bit but was laying over on it’s side in the dirt. Never did grow upwards. I started over again using a different GSC seed and this time after about 2 weeks of being in the dirt. Still nothing is happening. I am using jiffy packs for my seedlings. I was successful with my first grow gelato but this time I’m not having any luck with the Girl Scout cookie one. I’m also currently growing 3 other kinds and everything is going good with those. Any tips??

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are you dropping in water, then in damp paper towel? This is what most do get seedling to produce a 1/2 " Root.


Also…welcome to the neighborhood :grinning:

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Welcome to the community. :+1:

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Yes I did drop both seeds the water until I saw the tail pop out, then I put one seed in jiffy packet.

Try to put in soil in solo cup with clear cup over it for moisture like a terrarium. Onlly a couple DROPS of water. They don’t need much. you could drown them


Ok I’ll try that. Hopefully that works. Thanks your response.


So environment is really important in seedling stage.
I use a propagation kit. They are less then $50 and it takes all the guess work out of getting them started.

I use jiffy pods allso soaked in clonex solution, that goes in the propagation dome that is on a digital controlled heat mat set at 77°f, i keep vents on dome completely closed so humidity stays over 75%.
I have a 99% success rate with seeds and clones this way. Only difference is i use rockwool for clones but same setup.

Absolutely one of the best investments in my growing tool box😁

I do soak my seeds for 1-2 hours in 50% h202 and water then straight into tje jiffy pod and I leave it coved with a black towel till the first one pops, then I take towel off and put under light…

If you can somehow keep the pod slightly warm they will crack better, and RH high once they do makes them grow fast…