My Aching Back!

ok just misunderstood…

Hot tub at first and a lot of time on my back getting things lined up and relaxed in my back…and a pillow under the arch of my back sleeping helped also.

theres something missing in there they would need to scrape out whats left rebuild ligament or whatever it called I used to flare up once every couple of years but now it’s becoming
To be honest I’m not a dr and I’ll I hear. When they talk is blah blah blah blah lol
My brother usually translates these things for me lol

no, I think I wasn’t very clear about that LMAO now.

It’s all good. I hope it helps her I think it will


Total rest with limited movement, popping my back by the disc’s… It’s got to the point where it is affecting my legs so I know something has got to be done other than shots and putting on hangups …

Yeah 10/4
I’m doing that and chiropractor as well as hot tub
But I can’t stay home that long still work which doesn’t help because I don’t fully recover in between :frowning: @Capt_Seeweed
Last time it got bad I was off my feet for a month couldn’t do anything for my self

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@garrigan62 thank you for passing that on :slight_smile: I believe i have gave it to a couple people here already and yes fellas it will work for your arthritis or cancer or mostly any thing really

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Super stoked to try it out
Thanks both of you @Majiktoker @garrigan62

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Your welcome let me know how it works for you

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Will do @Majiktoker as soon as I try it out bro
Also @bob31
I have a tens unit at home
I’m sure your chiropractor uses one on you anyway if you don’t have one I’m sure you could get one threw the VA bro
Most insurance companies will also approve them if ordered by a dr for anyone else that’s reading
It helps a lot to relieve pain for me anyway

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yes, I have a tens as well, from the VA. It really does help alot. That and lidocain patches and heat pad and ice packs and drinking 10 beers and…

If you need any guidance making this salve feel free to ask ill gladly guide you through it @Countryboyjvd1971

About a month ago or so I was moving a garbage can and WHAM. down on my knees and face down in the side yard. Like a friggin lightning bolt. OMG I finally get up on my knees and crawl into the house. Get my cell phone and chiro says come right in I said no way i can’t even walk. He said heat and tens and come in tomorrow morning. So I go in and I can’t hardly move, leaning on my cane the whole way. 30 minutes later I’m out with the cane over my shoulder! I was stunned I called the guy up and praised him for helping me out. I figured 10 minutes later it would be hurting again but it’s been really good. Still hurts but a lot better.

@Majiktoker at the end of the directions it is cut off right after put in freezer. i’m thinking it’s only in there to quickly cool it and it needs to come out in 15 minutes ish?

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Well this salve will help you out @bob31

You do not put in freezer do not freeze at all, it goes in the fridge and will need to be there for likely an hour @bob31

ok perfect, thanks. @Majiktoker I will make mine early next week. I will go over the directions again and make sure one of you guys is around in case I have any “real time” issues


As being the person that gave it to @garrigan62 I just may be of a wee bit more help not saying he isn’t any help, hell he could probably guide you as well, not hard to make but very easy to mess up like I said if you need guidance just ask ill be happy to guide you @bob31


Hey @bob31
I’m at chiropractors now lol
My brother
Did I mention he shares office space with the Yankees team chiropractor :+1::sunglasses::v: