Mixing bacillus products

I use Safer caterpillar killer with bacillus thuringiensis var Kurstaki. I also use Serenade fungicide with bacillus subtilis. Since I spray the same buds and leaves with both, can I mix them in a sprayer? Or should these be applied separately?

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Anything on the instructions? My first thought is: go for it.

The online FAQ says to spray separately. I just don’t understand why.
Currently I’ve been spraying the caterpillar killer, let it dry, then spray the fungicide later. But I spray the same leaves and buds, so would like to combine into one spray.

Maybe the liquid from the second spray washes off the residue from the first spray. Or maybe it helps drive it deeper into the bud. Unfortunately it is not something I can try and know immediately if it works.

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You know: I think they are not compatible. The fungicide is in all likelihood delivering extremely high PH to the leaves to kill the fungus (copper soap, bicarbonate of soda, potassium bicarbonate etc.) and would simply kill the bacteria. Same applies for peroxide. I use peroxide as a fungicide because I think it works better and sterilizes the surface and kills soft bodied bugs like thrips and aphids. I use a 50/50 solution of 3% which harms the plants not a bit and best of all is organic approved. $.84/bottle at Wally World.

Best (according to @Niala) to apply BtK or Spinosad, wait 72 hours, apply peroxide, wait 5 days and repeat. Peroxide should be mixed in distilled water to avoid it being rendered away by the solids in tap water.


The other way around Al @Myfriendis410 :wink:

It’s apply the H2O2 solution, wait 72 hours before applying BT-K or Spinosad that are both bacillus, living things… For be certain that H2O2 will not kill these living things…

The other way around is not recommended since Spinosad and BT-K have some agent that help a bit the product to stay longer on the leaves… They stay longer on the leaves that 72 hours, it’s more 5 days if you don’t have a good fall rain…

~Al :v: :innocent:

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Duh; thanks for catching my stoned butt!

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Always there for you, my dear friend Al and you’re welcome :grinning: :v: