Making a nitrogen and magnesium fertilizer

Hey guys im in the middle of making a nitrogen and magnesium fertilizer using KNF i have kale and cannabis leaves and broccoli stems and epsom salts fermenting i also use molasses and brown sugar for this .Its looking good i cant wait to use this in conjunction with my potassium and phosphorus fertilizer i make it is so easy to do guys i suggest organic growers try out this method and save money while u grow


@Aussie_autos when your done how will you know how strong it is? I’ve fooled around with yard waste teas, tried to copy a recipe from YouTube that Bill Ward was using. With the nitrogen is there a worry of it being too strong?

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Dilute the heck out of it for first use LOL. Or test it on grass first.

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This post made the think of kimchee. I love that stuff.


I dont know how much nitrogen this is going to have but i will be diluting it in 20 ltrs of water i will be putting one small scope of this in 20 ltrs of water with a scope of my potassium and phosphorus fertilizer i make its going to be a trial and error thing