Love It...Or Leave IT!

Looking good thanks for the update


that answers my q I was gonna say did you end up bringing it in.
What a tough little plant

She got bigger…Im still amazed at this Ruderalis…its been sometimes 32F… at night and around 62-68 F daytime with off and on cloudiness…and @ times a lil frost but i think the frost hasn’t hit it much because its near the house and semi-under an eave?

Weird “wrinkly leaves coming in”

Baby sister not really taking off as much…Big sis is probably hogging all the light.

*This stray has made me start a very early in the season “Experimental Grow” outdoors
I will be starting a journal on that soon…
Thanks .


Whatcha think gonna have something to smoke off that stray?
I’m already excited for outdoors… be watching for your new season. Include some veggie!

HMM I’m sure something will come off of her…The baby isn’t taking off…Its still very small…possibly a different strain then she is? I’m doing an experimental grow and a new journal for them…Ive got the 4 plants started but not the journal yet… :blush: I’m so slow at this…more to come…

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Recent pick of big sis!
There`s some weird thing goin on with the middle?


Things that make ya go hmmm. At least it will be another experience

Looks like funky pH possibly?

Yeah its weird?..I don’t even know the PH…but its a wild unplanned girl so other then some light nutes etc…
natures gonna take its course? The whole plant is a bit droopy this day as there was no sun…It looks a lil better now…Thanks!


Just a quick update…She is still growing strong…Not as big as a “season” plant…But for something I water and barely feed shes growing like a weed… :laughing:


Come on little underdog… you’ve got this!


Thanks! Yeah shes trying!..Soon she will have company as Im in the process of putting out 4 more (early experimentals) That I have that are ready to go outside…Journal to follow soon…


Shes growing bigger… Here`s a pic of her next to your average 1/2 gal. container of milk for size reference.

Here`s a big fan leaf that had some damage on it…

She is still hangin in there! After all the rainy cold weather …Her lil sis isn’t doing much but stretching and competing as best as she can…Still curious to see what comes from her?


Its been a while since Ive updated…
here is the low down…

She has bushed out a tad…She made it through the winter cold
and is now about 2 weeks into flower… :+1:
You may notice little sister is no longer there…Well little sister was a little brother… :grimacing:

So since these came from an unknown Auto strain I grew last season its obvious the
other traits of the genes came out…This was the first male Ive ever had.

Here is the girls baby buds forming…

Temps have been unusually cool this year…Temps are apprx. 40 F to 72F in the last week or so…

  • Just a side note: I sprouted an experimental group 2/16/23… Indoors and put them out about 2 to 3 weeks ago…They look stunted and I may have over watered them…
    Besides transplanting to fab pots later then I usually do on a normal season grow, Ive come to the conclusion that the “wild” seeds that these came from were acclimated towards the cold weather from seedling therefore adapted to the cold… As opposed to the" experimental`s" that were pampered and germinated/seedlings indoors don’t like and are not used to the colder temps…

** I was going to do a journal on them but?? I dunno…don’t really see too much interest in it ? Don`t know if members would read it?

Be back when the buds get bigger…and I have to start my REAL grow now… :rofl: :rofl:


Looks like she’s treating you real well for a random cannagift of nature.

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Thanks Man ! Yes it was a cool lil gift…Cant wait too see what the buds will turn into???


Thats the one you got from tossing old seeded bud? Wow. Good to see you when you show up @AL_GREEN and I look forward to more journal or adventure whichever it is

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Neither can I :metal:


Buds getting a little fatter…smell good…

Maybe time to defoliate a little …what do you guys think?


I think so a little for breathing room. Nice strong looking trunk!