Lollipopping + defol + supercrop

Getting ready to flip my girls to flower and im trying to figure out how i want to crop them. Was watching some debacco university videos and they said supercropping and lollipoping can be contradictory, however my girls are really bushy at the bottom, yet very uneven, height wise, at the top…do you guys ever do both?

And as far as defol goes, these are some of the biggest fan leaves ive grown, and i know during flower we want to remove any that are blocking bud sites, but you think i should do some defol ahead of the flip?

Have included some pics for reference

Im also open to going a completely different way if anyone advises


@ExoFly How much room do you have over top and i would open the top up pruning leaves to get light where you need it to bud sights


3’ from top of plant to ceiling…minus 8-12" for the highest i can get the light. So about 2’. According to the instructions on my left light i can get like 10" away from plants at full flower, but i dont trust that, and besides that my blurple will burn the plants that close. So i prob got a foot to work with, which im assuming will be more than erased during the 2 week stretch

But as for right now, i mainly wanted to super crop to get the canopies even

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@ExoFly Pull them limbs over get light to the center you should be able to lollipop them if you want to super crop have to start early on them its alot stress on them also your plants look pretty big


Ok thanks. Ill post some pics later.

Yea the 2 in front are growing 2"-3" a day. Beast mode lol

Thats a 5 day difference.

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@ExoFly Pretty plants I just flipped my plants this week end


Thanks. Thats awesome, we will be finishing around the same time then. Hoping to get more yield this grow. My 1st grow had decent yield with just the blurple, but was only 2 plants. Huge sativas. Last grow i had 4 plants and just added a 150 watt light, heavy indica, but yield was really low, so i doubled the size of the left light, and im hoping for better results. These are more of a hybrid.

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You wanting to do them like mine i super crop this is 3 plants

I start training as soon as possible


Gorgeous…ive been looking at the scrog/sog method. Thats actually why i build the frame on top of the system but im not sure i have enough space. Im gonna have to figure something out eventually but i love my aero system so its gonna have to be something that fits with it

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Oh cool i thought you where growing hydro You probably get more out of one plant in that space you have

@ExoFly Thank you for compliments my friend happy growing

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Its more like a dwc/aero hybrid setup…not true aero. Basically nutes fill up bottom 3rd of the tank and theres an 800 gph pump that sprays the nutes every 5 min, but once the roots get long enough they reach the water.

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Thank you, you as well!

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@ExoFly If you like DeBaco Univ vids then you’ll live :heart: Kyle Kushman. He’s like the King of cropping lol. Check him out!

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Ahh man someone showed me one of his videos and that how i found the debacco, searching for who it was…i couldnt remember kyles name. Thank you!

You guys he has forum homegrown

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So i might have went a little crazy on the trimming. I feel like i always do. Theyll be jungles again in a week or 2 though, so oh well. They could still use some trimming up top, in the back, but im gonna let them gather themselves. They already got the switch to flowering coming…dont wanna overdo their stress.

Im trying to figure out a way to make a net wider than the lid, but that will also be able to lift with the lid when im working under the hood. So far, the only thing i got is crazy glueing pvc off the sides of the lid, then have them turn 90 degrees up. Could tie string between those points. Ah well, ill figure it out before next grow.

Do you guys go right from 18 hours to 12 hours, or do you do it gradually?

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@ExoFly what if you used even longer ‘all thread’ and then tied off on the then longer ends sticking out?

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You need something down near the bottom so you can tie limbs down that’s the reason I asked how much growing space you have over head


Thats not a bad idea. I could even use the current ones…drill a hole through half inch pvc, slide the pvc on and then put the nuts on. From there i could have the pvc drop down half way, then use connectors to jump out 4 ir 5 inches and go all the way around the frame. Kind of like a pvc frame. Im thinking it needs to drop down bc of all the lower branches, or do you think it would better to keep it high and wait for the lower branches to catch up?

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