Let’s see some trichome shots

Plants are all 75 days old and here are some trich photos!!! Close to harvest ?


Man I’m awful with the camera …can’t even do anything good with the loupe


@Lacewing all of these photos were taken from a 26$ digital microscope from eBay, pain in the butt to get it figured out but it definitely works



Thanks for the tip …
Complete noob here so I really need to follow cause I have a 60x loupe that I can probably see good enough with …

But I wonder if you are close too…I see some amber in there but I’m way too green to say so I wouldn’t !!!

Awesome pics

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@Lacewing as far as checking my trichs this is a first for me, grown for many years and never checked, just pulled the plant when she looked ready and had good results

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Wow …I kind of like that approach. I’m kind of a little laid back with it too…maybe not on the pest end of things tho…I’m checking over the plants entirely too much …
But I did have aphids and thrips early on and on top of that nitro deficiency… but today they look great …so maybe I’m over the top about it now hahah …

I’m gonna look into that digital microscope tho!! Cause I really like how clear and detailed those pics are !! Worth $26 if you ask me


iPhone 8+ On a stick :sunglasses::v:t2:


I’m trying your idea tomorrow!!

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Cell phone :laughing: :rofl: not great photos but the dope is good!