Lecithin; how much?

Any input on how much lecithin you use with your infusion? How much to use per cup of oil? not sure any help out there…happy infusing :bat: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Newt @Storm @plumbdand

I think these are all bakers :man_cook:

I’m not a baker. But I do use lecithin when I infuse. I use 1 teaspoon of lecithin (I use liquid) per cup of oil.


Thanks that is what I wanted to know. :bat: :rofl:


I squeeze the bottle and count to 3 per ounce of flower and use 1-1.5 cup oil to each ounce.


Sounds like about a teaspoon. :smile_cat:


I make concentrates but haven’t made edibles yet. I have an infusion machine got it a few months ago I haven’t even opened the box

We do the same

??? What are you waiting for? Edibles are great!


1tsp per 30 grams is what the master infusers in Bergmans Lab taught me. I make 2 lbs of different strains of butter a month and I use 1 teaspoon per lb. Sometimes I make capsules for someone having sleep issues and I usually use 1/4oz of flower infused into 125ml of MCT oil with 1/4 tsp of lecithin. You just have to be careful using lecithin if someone has a heart condition @thecount13


I just kinda eyeball lecithin. Probably a tblsp in 2 cups olive/coconut. A little less for honey. When i make my cakes or brownies i add a touch more during mix. Gummies get none. Gummies I use coconut and honey. Orange juice as the liquid.

Yah i used a teaspoon of it when i make my gummies and when i infuse coconut oil

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