Late flowering powdery mildew help!

I have been battling high humidity this entire grow, now that I am about my last week or two of the grow I am starting to see some powdery mildew on the fan leaves and some on the sugar leaves, I have neem oil but I’m afraid to spray it on this late in the grow, this is my first grow so I don’t know what I’m doing any help!?!?!?


A dilute spray of hydrogen peroxide and water will get rid of it.

I suggest a dehumidifier so that you don’t experience bud rot.


@Payton Don’t use the neem this late.
It will leave a foul taste on your buds.
Peroxide and water 50/50 mix sprayed on at lights out and increase your air transfer if you can.

If you can get some , EM1 is showing some positive results for a few folks in killing it off.

@Covertgrower and a few others have had good results using it. Me included.


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@MidwestGuy @Oldguy so i can mix up a 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water mixture and spray on whole plant including buds at lights out? Just want to make sure I understand correctly. Will this be harmful to the buds at all?


Peroxide won’t harm your flower.


@MidwestGuy you are a true lifesaver, will do this ASAP and await the results

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Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H2O2. That’s one more molecule of oxygen than water. Neither water nor oxygen will hurt your plant. I use a spray of just 3% peroxide. Nothing there to damage my plants…


EM1 may work for some, but have had no luck with it. @Oldguy


50/50 water and 3% peroxide. Spray over and under. Most people do a wash with peroxide and water at chop anyways, so it won’t hurt, just don’t douse them. Some of those big, far reaching yellow leaves can probably go bye bye. Give a little more air flow and light to lower buds. They look freaking great! Good luck and happy growing!


@Covertgrower Sorry brother. Thought I read where you were seeing a reduction in the reoccurrence of wpm since you used it and made ur rh adjustments.
I Mighta been high too. :wink: :grin:


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No worries, I did see an improvement for 2 days, but after the 3rd day, it’s back. About the same as peroxide. I’m looking into other products to see what works. @Oldguy


@oldmarine so I can just mist the entire plant? buds, leaves, and all with the hydrogen peroxide mix?

I do. I found peroxide in a mist bottle one day and decided to get it. I noticed some mildew on one of my outdoor plants. I sprayed only the affected area (to see if it hurt the plant). Everything looked great after a few days of treatment, so I sprayed the whole plant just to be sure. Now it’s a regular part of my plant care regime…

Remove the older fan leaves first, it will lower humidity and allow more airflow, then spray with peroxide mix.

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If you fine something that works please tag me, I have been trying to find something myself with no luck. I have tried so many things and so far the best has been milk an water mix, that was for outdoor this year, but leaves milk stains on leaves.

Indoor grow room is being torn down and rebuilt, WPM won’t go away

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I’ll keep you updated. I’ll tag you into my journal

Sorry to hear that as you did save my grow this year. I had the WPM and used the peroxide mix as you suggested in my journal. It did come back so I sprayed it again. Had to harvest early, started getting rot. But after a wet trim and a bud wash, no signs of wpm on the bud. Lost a few Oz’s to the rot but ended up with over a lb. Not great bud but hey it gets me high. Sure the hell beats throwing it all away as I have in the past. So thank you :blush:


Purcrop 1.
That stuff is a savior, had some wpm on the clones I’m growing and gave them a spray before they went in the tent. Gone.
Aphid issue a grow or two ago, gone in 1 treatment.

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Thanks, I’ll search for it.

Correction… purecrop 1. Autocorrect

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