Is this land good?

hi, is such a land suitable? plus fertilizer Box Atami Bloombastic

never heard of it.

OK thanks =/

Can u take a pic of the ratios. U will see 30-30-30 10-20-10. Something like that on the bag

Uploading… Uploading… Uploading… Uploading… Uploa

I’ve already sent it. It’s sending very long

Ya hasn’t uploaded

Plant-soluble (soluble) nutrients 250 mg / 350 mg 1000 mg / T60 mg / 1 Phosphate (P oxide (K20 Magnesium (Mg) Sulfur (5) Total.- 450 mgDR STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS:

Is it it$$$

it did not fill up

I write from my brother. it’s me galaktus.czy this is what you asked. ??

I am asking for the answer. Planted mushrooms

It’s in a language I don’t understand. Does it have nitrogen ?