Is this harvest ready?

Yea already knew that. Also a difference in the high because it enters through the lungs vs metabolism by liver. Just thought it didn’t matter if you smoked already decarbed weed.

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Sucks that it’s going to be at least 5 weeks before smoking vs decarb and have straight away

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Decarb it grind it super fine and make caps and take thc capsules or just get the hammer press deal they have where u can drop a grams worth of product into a spot and put a punch thing over it and smack ut with a hammer ir something to super compact it into hard pills no capsules

It doesn’t. Still works.
As far as harvest window, it looks ready to me.

@Covertgrower Have a question: when the main bud is ready to harvest, do you normally just take the whole plant? Or harvest the buds that are ready and leave the others to grow more?

I take the whole plant. Some do take just the top half, while leaving the rest to mature.

Other way around with the decathlon isn’t it…I know it’s late :laughing: but doesn’t it convert the thc-a to thc when you decarb? Making the thc-a present available without burning it?

Yea, it’s really the only way to make edibles. If you don’t decarb then you are just eating plant that won’t get you anything

If i am not mistaken plant comes as thc. When u decarb the plant material it is then converted to thca which gets u high when u eat it. Thc gets u high when u smoke it. Almost positive it is this way. @Covertgrower

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The thcA needs to be heated to be thc…so the de carb process converts it from thcA to thc and then when you smoke, you decarb/vape/ignite all the compounds. Decarb keeps you at the heat level to convert the thcA to thc without vaporizing the thc off.

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Well it doesn’t have to be heated…that’s part of what the curing process does too. As (some or all not sure) thcA breaks down into thc overtime.
Time for me to go double check after all that lol
Yeah…thcA breaks down with time/uv light exposure/heat/humidity into thc. Different rates for different methods.

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Thca is converted to thc

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Yeah yeah. I read it this morning and was like damn i was high i had them switched for some reason it was opposite last night. Lmao.

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I had 3 shots of capn morgan last night and i dont drink so i was a lil more than high. I havnt touched a drink in i could not even tell u how long