Is My Water Good Enough for Plants?

I’m on my first grow in a 4x4 tent, and my ladies are making their way into 1-gal pots currently. Thus far I have been hand watering with distilled water, and will continue to do so, until plants get into 3-gal pots (finishing in 7-gal.)

Afterwards I plan to use a 30-gal drum or two for nutrient solution, since I’m in coco. I had a water test done when I bought the house a couple years ago. Looking at it, I don’t think it would be problematic to use for plants. I would love to hear some more informed opinions!

I currently have a charcoal filter and drinking safe hose to fill containers. I have 3 gallons currently Sitting in a bucket with an air stone. I plan to test EC and PH after it’s been in the bucket for 24 and 48 hours

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Congrats on your first grow.
If that’s all they showed for your water test it looks fine to me. Has some calcium which is good and good to know when mixing things or adding nutrients to the soil as a top dress. Not sure what your going to be using to feed them. Chemical or organic?
As it doesn’t seem to have any chlorine/Chloramine you won’t need to let water sit or bubble it and can use it from the tap.
You can use your meters after filling container and check your PH and PPM to get a baseline of where you are.
Most nutrients should be mixed and used within a short time hours not days so you might want to consider that before mixing a big batch but rather mix as you go.

Hope this helps and keep feeding your cannabinoid systems


@Skydiver Thanks for the response. I hope/hoped to mix enough to go away for a few days. I’m using primary GH mutes with some add-ons.

Since I’ve added Floralicious Plus, Florablend, and Diamond nectar.

I’m growing in ME coco lite, and will be DWC.!(upload://eq11ubJWr4scQo93ovg7B3VTZCc.jpeg)

I’m only here right now, so I have some time to figure things out.

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There are others here better able to answer questions that growers using chemical nutrients in soil or DWC might have. I’m all organic with living soil so not the best to ask.
Good luck with things

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What’s your question

@Nicky I’ve watered to this point with DI water by hand. I will be switching over to auto watering in a week or so. I plan to use water from my well, if it won’t be problematic. Here is a water test from 2018 when I bought the house.

When I tested water I’ve had bubbling for 24 hours, I came up with 7.2 PH and 101 ppm, which from test is overwhelmingly calcium.

I’d like to know if I’m correct that the water is good to use.
I currently have Botincare Cal-Mag. With the calcium in my water, should I get separate calcium and magnesium?

Probably most importantly, Can I mix enough nutrient solution for 3-5 days worth of watering?

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Your waters fantastic to be honest, just the right amount of ppm to stay stable and nothing but calcium which the plants are hungry for.

No need to get separate cal mag if you already have cal mag just use it most growers do anyways very common.
Is your coco washed and buffed?

Yes. You can, but put it in a light proof and ideally air sealed container like a 5 gallon bucket or if your going bigger you get the idea.


You should test water before it sits amd day after day.


@Waz_Wolf late wood is correct (of course)

Mix up a batch and test it every day check on it and see if anything grows in it, of the tds does something Wierd or how long till the PH swings.
Of course this will change depending on concentration.

All in all using high quality hydro nutes and GH is good, you should be fine
I’ve mixed up a batch of hydro nutrients and had it sit for 2 weeks

Since your on could you guide me in how to get my wiki badge & tutorial badges? I haven’t see a wiki or a tutorial to edit/complete


@Nicky and @latewood Thanks a lot for the information. I appreciate it.

I’m using Mother Earth Coco-Lite. It’s supposed to be pre buffed and washed.

I have the complete GH nute lineup from the expert schedule, with the exception of the cal-mag, because GH was sold out. I also use mammoth p after ph’ing the water, and I use Azos and Mykos when potting up and as top dress every two weeks once they are done potting up.

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Well your set then. I like to mix my coco with 50% perlite but if your not in an autopot vermiculite will do better job of preventing calcium deficiencys and will help retain water better do at least a 30% mix of perlite or vermiculite ideally to assist in root development.
It’s not necessary but I think it works better, can be grown either way though.
Your all set ask any questions feel free to tag me.

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I wrote a paper on GH 2 part. What do you mean; Entire line?

Looking at what you are adding sends up a warning sugnal to me. Make sure you are not adding the same minerals over top of minerals already added.

CalMag does not need to be added generally, unless you develop an issue. Many make the mistake of dosing and dosing when the plant will not take it up if it is not required.

Mammoth P is awesome and most generally used in Aquaponics. Great stuff; I know the owner, he has been on the podcast many times. Once again; you may not need to add Mammoth P as a regular input, but more as a remedy if you need phosphorous. Generally we only jack up “P” at the transition period (2 weeks).

I will check in to see the list of your GH ingredients.

Peace, lw


@latewood Thanks a lot!

I am growing in Mother Earth 70/30 cocolite.

Botincare cal mag, mammoth P, and GH:

  • Armor si
  • micro, grow, and bloom trio,
  • florablend
  • floralicious plus
  • diamond nectar
  • rapid start

I also have Azos and Mykos for transplanting and periodic top dress.

I’ve been mixing nutes 1/2- gal at a time thus far, so I’ve used the GH feeding schedule at 1/4 recommended gallon dose and diluted to the correct EC.

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Also, being that Mammoth P is living, it goes in last after the nutrient solution has been ph’d.

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@latewood where is your podcast home page? I’ve only seen one listed on the forums and my data was gone for the month =(

Ide love to be a fly on the wall for a grow of yours you have probably obtained some great knowledge over time and with your connections.

I appreciate the tip. About p boost at transition.


Latewood , I totally agree on to many use calmag as ifs a cure all… I’ve read many articles and other blogs in this topic over the past few months. Although now and again I throw in some calmag like 1/4 of what’s recommended for good measure and guess in some ways I fall into the many others using calmag but very very minor use…Many environmental issues mock calcium deficiencies so most just say well add calmag but I try to stay away from those thoughts…I have zero yellowing on any strains in my grows unless maybe some in last two weeks before we harvest is normal… Glad you brought that up… :v:t2:

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@anon47338222 Michigan? How’s it going?

It’s going and yep Sw Michigan! Sup bruh?

Born in St. Joseph therefore I’m a GoBlue fan.
Grows in Michigan but I live in ND. country :man_shrugging:

Nice. Grew up in buckeye land as a UofM fan (family from Detroit.) Live in Northern Lower, but married a Muskegon girl. UofM alum :beers:

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