Is it possible to tie the tops of the tall plants over a bit so they are shorter so that I can lower the light?

A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks

Six seeds have grown into plants. This is my first time growing so I’m thrilled that they all have made it this far!! They are now in the flowering stage with a 12/12 lighting schedule.

Two of the plants have grown much taller than the others so I have to have my light high enough so that it doesn’t burn their leaves but I feel that the light is too high for the other four plants. Is it possible to tie the tops of the tall plants over a bit so they are shorter so that I can lower the light? Or is it too late to do that…or will it injure the plants? If this is not an option do you have any other suggestions? I feel as though there has been a slow down in the gowth of the plants. They were started in March. I am attaching photos of the plants so you can see what stage that are at.

Any help or direction you can give would be much appreciated!


You can tie down those tops or just supercrop them. It’s all up to you. It definitely won’t harm the plants either way. You should join the forum and Soak up all the knowledge & experience available here.


You can either tie the tops of the tall plants over or raise the other plants that are shorter. If you have extra pots or 5 gallon buckets or even concrete blocks (clean!), you can place your shorter plants on those. LST training is the first method you describe which is usually done earlier in veg. But your plants look pliable enough to still do it.

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Thank you @Budbrother and @howill for your answers and suggestions! So happy to have found this forum!


Happy to have you here :wave: @Paizley

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I had this issue before and you just have to bend it slowly you have to be gentle (kinda) or you risk breaking the branch. Supercrop would work but you need to research a little because if you don’t tie the branch down it will curl back up towards the light

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Thanks @Sirsmokes…I will definitely keep these things in mind! So much to think about and remember! Trying not to get overwhelmed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Welcome to the forum @Paizley

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Thanks @Hogmaster!

It is easy to get overwhelmed your first couple of grows. Honestly you will take in so much info. I believe it’s best to focus your first couple of grows on just getting from seed to harvest with a healthy plant or plants. Then start working on yield. But this is just my advice. Once you learn to read your plants and what they like and don’t like then play around with different techniques and see what you like. You will develop your own systems that work for you in the space you are growing in.
You will here people refer to the kiss method or keep it simple stupid (kiss) or LST (low stress training) which is bending and training branches to grow how you want alot of indoor people do this to keep plants short and get light penetration.

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Thank you @Sirsmokes…I needed to hear this. What is interesting is that I was thinking about KISS myself the other day when I was feeling overwhelmed. So it was very cool to hear you say it as well​:blush: I am just amazed that my plants have made it as far as they have!! :grin:

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@Sirsmokes…Question for you…my plants are White Widow ILGM. Should they be on a 12/12 light schedule? They have been for approximately 4 weeks now.

12/12 is flowering light schedule. Do you have photo or autos? Photos, you veg them until they are half the final size you want then flip lights to 12/12 to flower them.
Autos, are supposed to grow under any light cycle I personally flower everything under 12/12.
Seedlings I go 24hrs of light for the first week or so then go to 18/6 for veg until I’m ready to flower. Hope this helps.


Well the thing is I’m not sure what I have?? That’s what I’m confused about but I think they will do fine with the 12/12 based on what you are saying. Can you tell from the photos whether they look like they are where they should be for 4 weeks into flowering? I know the photos aren’t the best.

4 weeks? No are you counting the 2 week transition period? Generally after veg when you flip the lights it takes a week or 2 for them to enter full flower. So yea they look on track for week 2 of full flower


You’re right…I meant 4 weeks since changing to 12/12. It’s what I meant to say…lol. So good…they seem to be on the right path! @Sirsmokes thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it😊

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Any time bro/sis if you have any questions you feel free to tag me. If I don’t know then there are some big dogs I can tag in. Just remember this forum is not like other forums out there, we don’t talk down or put down, administration and others police this site really well. We all just want to grow awsome pot and that’s all we want to see others do succeed!!!
The only dumb question is the one not asked. We are here to help you succeed and not to make you feel bad or dumb for not knowing something.


Well said!! A like wasn’t enough. :grinning:


Agreed @Budbrother and @Sirsmokes. I have been blown away by how supportive this forum has been not only to me so far but just in reading other posts…all I have seen is support, love and lifting up of each other! It is extremely refreshing! This sis :wink: is very thankful!

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I promise if your having a issue growing related, people will go out of their way to get you the right answer, we have gurus for lighting hvac and desease. If your having a rough patch personally, many of us will listen to you on that as well, pretty much like a big family. If you are on here long you will start to develop personal relationships with these people you have never met, but feel like you have known each other forever