Is it feasible to deliver CO2 to cannabis by way of dry ice?

Is it feasible to deliver CO2 to cannabis by way of dry ice?

Dry ice is CO2 that has been frozen and normally exists only in gaseous and solid state (not liquid). As it warms, the dry ice evaporates, but the CO2 is released gradually over time. With one pound of dry ice, you’ll get 8.7 cubic feet of gas. To calculate how much you need to evaporate, measure the cubic size of the marijuana grow room (length x width x height) and multiply that number by 0.0015. For example, a room that is 9.5 feet high, 13 feet long, and 9 feet wide is equal to 1,111 cubic feet. Multiplying 1,111 by 0.0015 gets you 1.66 pounds (around 26 ounces). This amount is required in a room without ventilation if you want to add 1,500 ppm of CO2 to the area. The actual quantity of evaporation necessary to stay at that level depends on the plant’s use and the amount lost during ventilation. You might think of using a CO2 sensor and regulator to operate a valve that releases CO2 only when needed.
