Is curing important?

So from what i see on youtube and here is that curing improves flavor and smell. My friend said curing isnt important. What is everyones opinion? Im new to growing but so far so good im thinking im 2 weeks out maybe. Hes grown a plant before but idk how it came out.


Seriously? Curing is what makes your cannabis not smell like freshly cut hay! It brings the terpines forward, gets all the moisture in the bud evenly distributed from the stem and inner bud to the outer bud. It makes your dope less harsh and burn more consistently. Proper curing also ensures a longer storage life.
Surebyou can dry yer dope and smoke it, it may even taste good and smoke well? You will get high off it just loke cured pot, but it will not be nearly as good as cured dope. Once that chlorophyll is gone… big difference!


I’ve sampled my harvest before it was cured. It’s like smoking hay.


Drying takes about 10 days to 2 weeks if done right, and curing generally takes another month minimum and 3 months to really cure it right. Of course, most folks smoke it all way before the 3 months is up :laughing:


2 - 3 weeks usually makes a big difference. I store mine in ball jars, so it really cures a long time. Like a good wine or whiskey…


This Balkhi is impressive! Smokes beautiful even just dried. I can only imagine excellence when proper cure is finished. Right now the bud smells freshly cut and a bit like funky pot hay. The smoke is fantastic! Tastes great, really smooth! Thats the exception rather than the norm, usually dried non cured bud tastes harsh and smokes badly, and may be like burning wet lawn.


I was out and just harvested a blueberry a few weeks ago. I’ve smoked on it since it has been dried. It’s really starting to mellow out, and the buzz is nicer too.


I usually store cannabis under a quarter pound in mason jars. Once you start getting into pounds, use ziplocks and 5 gallon paint buckets.

still gotta burp em just like the jars!


I give away whatever I have that is extra. I always cure it for a month before I hand it out, though.

I usually only grow 1 or 2 medium sized (24 - 36 inches high) plants.


Yep same here, normally its ready for xmas gifts when a fall harvest is cured.


Thanks everyone. I planned on curing some for 2 weeks and some for 4. I just wanted to see how everyone felt about it. I am gonna try a bit just dry also to see.


@GhostGrow this is a pretty well established practice, high times professional bud tenders and quality growers are all well aware Curring is very important (a quick google should ease your mind)

There is a couple different stages.
Drying as slow as possible at 50% humidity with slight air flow until its dry enough to jar, some say till the small branches snap personally I think that’s a little to late but you’ll get the hang of your system. Regardless the outside of the bud dries.

Then you place it in an air tight container with a hygrometer, the biggest container needed to fill the most bud makes it a much more even and easier process by the way. Think clear Tupperware or food grade screw off buckets.

You will “burp” the excess humidity out that accumulates in the air as the moisture from inside the bud is pulled outside, in turn your outer buds won’t be Crispy anymore either.
Ideal humidity is said to be 62% some like 55%.though.

Once the container is stable at that humidity or very close, as it may take a couple days or couple weeks of burping depending on many factors, then you can toss in a humidty pack FROM boost or bovida. Be aware of amazon cheap ones some smell wierd and tante the smell of your bud.

This is where you want to count your cure from, the point of stabilization. I recommend 3 weeks minimum.


Thank you. I was going to ask in the future if i could use tupperware. I dont have that many mason jars, but we have tons of plastic. This site should be i love learning to grow marijuana lol

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Another question. When you trim the buds. Do you do it after drying and curing, before, or in between?

Do you ever run into issues curing in ziplocks? Mold anything of that nature?

When ever you like, most wet trim.


Yes you will if your weed is too wet to get bagged! You still need to vent the bags just like a jar. You can get moldy weed in jars just as easily. Part of the thing you fo when burping / venting is to inspect the bud and feel it. If it feels too damp it probably is. Before the invention of the moisture meter thats small enough to jamb in a jar, it was all done by feel and smell.
Oh an interesting thing happens with bigger buds that Im sure many have experienced… you place what feel like dry budbin the jar only for it to be pretty wet the following day when you check it. In essence thats what we are shooting for… we want the stem water and the inner bud water to migrate through the material and even out over time, while releasing excess unwanted moisture. In the process the chlorophyll decays… added bonus here.


Thanks. Heres my girl i think im getting close

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Like 3 weeks maybe is my guess

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Longer probably

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