Inch By Inch... Grow By Grow. (ILGM White Widow Fem)

@dbrn32: I have a lighting question for you. (Shocker, I know…). My tent isn’t terribly tall, and my qb light is currently hoisted up about as far as it will go, and is just 20.5" above the canopy of my tallest plant at this point… which is only about an inch taller than the others.

The light is sitting just 15" above the scrog net, in the picture below, which is located just 16" above the soil of my pots. I will lower the net four inches or so, before I start training the plants.

Can I adjust the hanging wires by clipping them kitty-corner, essentially only needing to use two, instead of four (though I’ll overlap them and use four anyway), and thus shortening the suspension so I can hang it closer to the ceiling, or would that be problematic, somehow? (BTW, I just ordered another qb to replace that p.o.s. Amazon light that is currently hanging next to the qb. - I’ll use the Amazon light for keeping plants in veg, while others are flowering in this tent.)