I want to try a Monster crop clone...have questions

Reduced my lighting down to the two 19wLED strips, and one of the 13w. 51 LED watts hitting them atm!
Check out the cuts, left looks Very promising.
One on the right…too soon to tell.

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only time will tell seriously just dont give up too soon better to let it sit there may take it just alittle longer than the other but if given right conditions she will take if you put in the effort and even if not at least you are getting experiment with getting your environment dialed in

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Yessir, def keeping them as strong as I can.
Appreciate the support. Keep y’all updated!

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Man, what incredible plants!!!
3 days after taking Clone cuttings, and the cut locations are already sprouting Stigmas.
@Zee @Davyg @GreenFlex @Budz420
@Enlightened420 @MrPeat


Aren’t they!! Love growing


How was your day Zee? Have a good one?


Happy Friday bro! As my man Cube said, today was a good day.

How thing’s in your world?

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Yeah happy Friday man. You mean you didn’t even have to pull out your AK?? Lol

Good, glad you’re well. My day has been a little hectic. Our smaller dog Ghosty lost his pollen sacs today…so he ain’t doing so hot Hahah.


Knew you would pick up on the reference. All those WWF gifs posted, brought back memories of watching Andre the giant, Brett heart…RIP

Buy him a shot of Jager on my tab, I mean treat. We take Bailey to get her cone on in a month. She will get spoiled.

Love dogs and growing pot.

You get that drying tent dialed in? How’s the DFW weather?

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Hey…I finally ran out of likes!
Hell yeah, I watched from about ‘90 to 2001.
After that, I’m my opinion, it got pretty stooopid.

I may just give him a puff or two of a sweet little Moonberry Indica I’ve got atm.
He will forget all about his aches and pains.

Weather wise, we are sort of on the back end of that Sahara dust storm. Man that shot the RH through the roof! 7 day forecast: 92 -95 everyday, no precip!
Where you located? Don’t have to be specific of course, just curious.


Oh yeah, man the cloning/drying tent…working out as best as it possibly can!
Temp never drops below 72. Scared imma lose my a/c before harvest, since it runs practically 24hrs. Put it in power saver mode. Seems to help a lot.

What’s Bailey gotta go in for?


The ability to recover is incredible. Really good to see for a first timer!


Yessir, a shame at some point ya just gotta cut’em up and smoke’em


Night 3, clone cuts.


So true! Just gave my girls a haircut to get rid of damaged or dying leaves. They are looking great I think. Being clones, they all grow differently - but similar - like, one girl is a lot thirstier than the other two - yet same height, similar thickness and all cloned at the same time and grown the same. As a newbie, I think… why? So many on here, naturally grow from seeds bought from the ILGM bank, so most of the grows follow the typical plant shape - clones don’t so much. I have lots of tip growth at ground level and a good amount on the branches.

It’s almost a shame - I know how well these girls smoke! Some of the best I have ever smoked.


@DankBank22 Looking good brother! Congrats on running out of likes! You are doing great keep up the good work! Just make sure you keep that A/C tilted back and let it run! It will do you Justice as long as you keep her maintained and clean. Regular maintenance routines will not do you wrong when it comes to your equipment. Since you have it outside running constantly, if I was in your shoes, I would do my best to use a shop vac and a set of brushes to keep it cleaned like once a week not only will that help with the life of the unit but it helps you keep that tents environment clean as well. P.S. I know you did not ask but thought I would speak what I was thinking while catching up on your journal…P.S.S…I watched during the Goldberg spear era lol

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@Budz420 Well tbh you can have the exact same photo-period genes grown from seed from the same plant and they can grow completely different…I feel that is the beautiful thing about these plants…they NEVER cease to amaze me!! I have 4 Green Crack seeds from HSO and all four have grown differently in their own way! I FIM’d 3 of them and the fourth I just let be no FIM or LST and it topped itself! AMAZING!!!


@GreenFlex How the hell does a plant FIM itself? So the growth ‘behaved’ like the other three? that is nuts!
Yeah I wasn’t expecting three girls that had the same form, I meant that from a seed, it grows, it has a single main stem and lesser strength branches along the trunk. With clones, your main stem is a branch. From this, other branches grow - so the vertical ‘trunk’ isn’t there so much. Being a branch it seems to behave differently…
I know what I am trying to say! lol… loads another bowl of knowledge


@DankBank22 they’re looking brilliant buddy. These plants are super tough and seem to bounce back whatever happens to them :sunglasses:.
Poor wee soul wearing the collar of shame, RIP pollen sacs :ghost:

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Am in the Carolinas. So she can’t get preggo :slight_smile:

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