I believe I have all females! Confirm for me

First time outdoor grower. My babies are planted in buckets and are almost 8 weeks old. I’m feeling quite confident they are all females but would like some confirmation from more experienced growers

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This is what you’re looking for. Males tend to flower later (not always, the above plant was about 6 weeks old).

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I’m not sure on the sex (early for me to tell), but what is that in the circle??

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I believe it’s a pest :pleading_face: what is safe to spray for bugs while keeping them organic?

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Captain Jack’s Dead Bug.


Is this a male plant? Looks balls to me

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Yes. I pulled him a few days ago.

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Before flower, neem oil in water with a couple drops of dish soap. Mornings or evenings every other day til pests are gone. Every week or as needed after. Jacks Dead Bug for flowering. Same regimen.


I don’t see anything like that on any of my plants

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I saw one of the plants in preflower. Keep an eye on the lot of them. Look for the dangly bits.

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This is what I got for neem oil. Gonna have to order the Dead Bug online


I started using Captain Jack’s this year. Because I can use it throughout the plant’s life cycle, it is all I will be using. I also add nematodes to my soil builds. Gnats are almost nonexistent.


I honestly couldn’t tell you what brand neem oil my wife got. It’s organic, that’s all I know. But the Jack’s is all I’m gonna be using on mine too. Need to get more soon actually.

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What are nematodes?

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It’s like a really small toad.

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