Humidity in grow tent too low

From a fellow grower: my humidity in my tent as you can see is too low. I put a humidifier in the Tent in the upper right of the pic and it only went up from 25 to 26? I sprayed the walls, of everything I have read these were the solutions and they didn’t help, can you help with this?

My humidity at 75 degrees is 25%. I added a humidifier and now my humidity is 26-27% I don’t know what I need to do to get it higher?

If you are running an exhaust fan shut it down. I had this issue in the past and realized the exhaust fan was pulling all the added humidity out of the tent


Ur humidity would be 75% not degrees i think u have a bit backwards there and it sounds like ur temp is 25 degrees if ur humidity is 75% thats good


thats a small Humidifier if I’m looking at it right. if thats it I would say thats to small


That humidifier looks awfully small. If running exhaust, turn it off, get a clear plastic cup, spritz it with distilled water once or twice, and put over seedling upside down. That will shoot rh at plant way up. They like high humidity for this stage. Also, the rh will go up some at feedings/waterings later on. Esp if you use a fabric bag. Good luck!

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Just read this, and if it’s right, you’re fine. Pic of meter is a little blurry. My bad!

How high should the humidity be while the plants are flowering

I use this vpd chart…


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I just temporarily cut off exhaust fan and within minutes my humidity has gone from 24% to 29% so hopefully that trend will continue


Perfect, problem solved… Happy growing :grin:


If you have different setting on your exhaust then that is a great way to help. I keep mine on low if rh gets lower than I like. Crank it up when it’s higher. If too high, the dehumidifier kicks on and turns off when it hits setting. Lots of ways to manipulate rh to help dial in a little better. Damp towels work too. Good luck!

Damp towel​:thinking::thinking: that honestly didn’t even cross my mind. Ty

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Small bowl of water with a rag in it works too. leave a corner of the rag hanging out of bowl so that the moisture can wick out into the environment. Find out all kinds of neat tricks on this forum :sunglasses::palm_tree::green_heart:

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Now at 80% so exhaust fan back on low

Similar to the damp towel, a wet wash rag hanging over your circulation fan brings a fast (albeit short lived) spike to humidity. Takes humidity into the 80’s for a couple or three hours within about 10 minutes.

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Only if your on the other side of the pond


Lookin good! You can leave it there for a couple weeks, then start turning up exhaust to bring numbers down.

The only concern is when I turn the exhaust on low it sucks out the humidity and drops it to in the range of 25-30%