How to use trunks and branches?

Coming close to my first harvest and was looking for ideas to use the whole plant.

I have seen all sorts of recipes for tinctures, butters, etc, and my common sense tells me these are more for stems closer to bud sites.

What I’m thinking about here is how to use the thick base trunk and branches, not expecting to obtain any sort psychoactive using these, just seeing if anyone has any good uses before it just turns into mulch, which hey, that’s nothing to be mad about if that’s the case


No ideas, interested in responses. I usually till mine into the raised beds at the beginning of the season.

I tried the branches and can say it was a waste of time. Now the leaves with trichomes is a different matter. Freeze till you get enough to say make Hash for example.

I don’t do edibles as I need at least 8oz of dried flower for 1 lb of butter…:pensive::pensive::pensive: I ate 7 bags of THC gummies in one sitting snd it did jack all for me so I don’t waste my time with edibles.

I also smoke the sugar leaves as they are coated in trichomes. :+1:

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You sure you didn’t just get some very weak “micro doseing” gummies?

Eatables is just about the only way I get high anymore, short of doing 6-10 dabs in a row.

Eatables should be way more intense, unless you got some digestive issues and its just not metabolizing :thinking:

This is what i do with larf and stems.

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I’m talking about this part of the plant, the woody bits, non trichrome zones

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If im not mistaken no trics no high.

I know a woman who makes a mash with it and combines it with hair grease. Swears by it making her hair grow better.
Do you happen to be a black woman :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
Not really much you can do with it but compost it.

Again, not looking to get high, looking for fun hippy shit, hair grease being a good example of what I was talking about

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I have made a pipe and cone, years ago in my bush grow days, worked well enough.

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Sometimes people carve them into a pipe.
I probably with from a clone i got just because of the node spaceing.
The mother plant has a genetic mutation and she grows shoots/nodes absolutely every where.
Check out the stalk

I’m pointing at the top of main stalk where i topped her, look at all the limbs in just the length of a bic lighter :grin:


Can cut branches into a joint holder just cut then drill. Friend has a trunk and roots hanging off his wall


My buddy made me a one hit wonder out of a deer antler.


All stems are good for is fertilizer dry them out and put them into a blender and make a powder and use it for ur plants

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I toss root ball and stem into the garden compost pile. I treat it no differently than any other compostable material.


Not every part of the plant needs to get you stoned. The roots are edible and much like noodles if boiled well enough.

The stalks can be turned into twine

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Wouldn’t that be about the same thing as hemp it comes from marijuana plants you have paper,twine, clothes all kinds of stuff comes from hemp and it’s fire retardant and is stronger than most tree pulp but I’m not a professor or anything like that but just things that I’ve read about. Even seen a guy making scooters out of hemp the body(frame)

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Yes exactly the same consistency of material! The bits that are left over in the water “pulp” material can be pressed into paper. We strive to waste nothing so everything else gets broken down into compost to use on other grows.

We also reuse our grow medium for years since it’s just an inert product and doesn’t hold any nutrients