How to sterilize grown tent after powdery mold incident

Hi everyone,
I just harvested my girls when I noticed deep inside a White Widow x AK47 bud powdery mildew. It doesn’t look like it spread to another plants. It was a very small grow. I got rid of the bud with the mildew. I grew them in one tent and am drying in another. How do i sterilize both tents and the room so it doesn’t happen again? Thanks

I would clean the tents with a bleach/water solution to kill any mildew in the tents. What kind of ventilation do you have setup. One cause of powdery mildew is not enough airflow/ventilation.


A mild bleach water or peroxide mix. Even Oxy Clean soap.
Spores exist everywhere so you cant eradicate them totally.
@darkillusion3526 has the best advice to keep humidity down and good airflow.


Bleach and water solution, mild all purpose cleaner with bleach, or peroxide and water solution should take care of it.


And it does not take a lot of bleach to be effective…
1 quart of water in a spray bottle with 1/2 teaspoon of bleach is plenty strong enough to kill mold spores.


Bleach is something I’d only use as a last resort. 3% peroxide kills on contact and dissipates into O and H2O. Bleach leaves a residue that is toxic.

If you found WPM on a single bud I guarantee it’s on all of them. The thing to do knowing you are in a region where there is WPM is plan to do a bud wash at harvest.


True, bleach will leave a salt residue…
But I don’t think 1/2 a tsp in water sprayed on surfaces will leave enough residue to be a health risk.
Its only 5-10% sodium Hypochlorite out of the bottle.
A film of salt will also make a hostile surface for any airborne spores.
Don’t use scented or any products with additives though.
The wife hates chlorine smell so we use iodine (Iodophor) as a sanitizer for brewing and tent cleaning.


Thanks everyone for the great advice. This was my first grow in a tent. It came with all the bells and whistles. But, alas, I didn’t set up the ventilation system. Just left the parts where they would grow open at night. Lesson learned.

A bud wash down. I will research that. Dang. So you think all the plants have it? Thanks for the tip.

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Myfriendis410 thank you for the helpful tutorial. I think I’m going to like it here.

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