How often do I feed her

How often do I feed my ninja lady this doctor earth stuff instructions are a little vague plus you guys are using that girl marijuana all the time so I know somebody knows

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What size pots?

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What size pot you in and what medium are you using?

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She’s in a 5 gallon pot, fourth week of flowers Unfortunately miracle grow for dirt. But I’ve had very few problems if you were in spots here and there but you’re doing very nicely I think


Have you fed it any yet?

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I cant tell you about that miracle grow because it has time released nutrients and I’ve never used, heard all bad things. But I did use a 5 gal pot for my grow with happy frog soil. I would put 5 tablespoons on top of soil and lightly scratch into soil with my hands. Then water.

Yes I sprinkled 4 tablespoons, scratched into dirt, and watered her for the day. I’m also using the happy frog fertilizer. Can I use them both at the same time? Or would it be too much chemicals

Do you happen to have a pic of that happy frog fertilizer?

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No do not put both! That happy frog is for veg bro. When did you put that I only put 5 tablespoons once every 4 weeks so pretty much twice through out their flower period.

I would only use one or the other. If you do wind up with issues at this point you won’t know which one is giving you the problem. But know in flower they look for more P and K and less N so the HF would be a no for me.

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Ok thanks :blush:

Used it this morning, but also use Dr at about three days ago, see what happens

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Wait, you already put both?

How often do I fertilize with the doctor earth I have six little one week old and one three week old white widow

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I would use the HF in veg and the Dr in flower. I think they both are supposed to last about a month

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Yes but only a few tablespoons of dr earth oohps

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Can I use the Dr earth on a tiny one week old

Ya bro it’s what @Jbum said HF for veg and DrE for flower. I’m set to watch so we’ll see. But for those little ones I would wait to put anything till they are fully established. Thats imo.

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What medium are these in the MG to? They don’t need much the first couple of weeks. Once they munch their Cody’s then they will need to be fed.

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