How much of a scent does the Auto-blueberry plant have as its growing

A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks

How much of a scent does the Auto-blueberry plant have as its growing

That, unfortunately, is something very subjective as everyone’s sense of smell is different.

Right now I have a Blue Cheese which has been giving off a noticeable but weak smell even though it’s not in flower, and a Pandora which I only notice a whiff when my nose is right up close and personal with the plant, both around 4 weeks old, but my sense of smell is half shot for various reasons so what is “weak” to me might be somewhat stronger to others.

Some say the auto blueberry gives out no smell and they worry there’s something wrong, others notice something stronger, so it really depend on the individual plant and the nose of the person doing the sniffing, there is no definitive answer until you grow it yourself and see for yourself what the plant does.

The blue berry has a sweet smell but still is strong of mj But when you cure it and smoke it it taste like blueberries so does the banana blackberry we have a mini fruity varieties the lemon haze the white widow is also outstanding but just about any of them that you will grow and then counter have a MJ smell you should join us :wink: