How looks this bbys girls auto

How look this sour diesel auto stain
They re 13 days old
One is normal the other have variegation genetic
Soil: hpff
Light: 20/4
Temp: 77 f
Humidity 47 to 60%
5 gl fiber pot
Water : 6.5
Co2: not
Humidifier: not

This is the variagate I have question why the Cotyledons look dry completed like burn ? Any help welcome


@low, @Randy_Marsh @Mark0427 @MidwestGuy @Nancy566
Sorry guys and girls for tag but if anyone know why the Cotyledons get burn completed?


Usually too much nites are any tips of leaves burnt. Did the cotys get wet and hold water for the light to burn them.

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She’s old enough that she doesn’t need the cotyledon leaves. It’s normal for them to recede and fall away.


@Mark0427 not water in the Cotyledons and no nute that cotyledons is on the variagetion plant

She look healthy to be a variagate but I see her Cotyledons death like burn and I was worry

This here in better pic

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The rest look fine maybe it is worked up enough leaves it dont need them idk maybe an issue. We let other ring in but looks blurry good to me lol

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Yeah id ride it out looks good prolly unnecessary leaves at this point anyways

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Yeah I wait to she get more better to see how is go to be her yields lmao

Thanks for the help

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Thanks for tagging me.

“ Cotyledon, seed leaf within the embryo of a seed. Cotyledons help supply the nutrition a plant embryo needs to germinate and become established as a photosynthetic organism and may themselves be a source of nutritional reserves or may aid the embryo in metabolizing nutrition stored elsewhere in the seed.”

Basically they store minimal amount of nutrients until the plant uses them up and they die off.


Thanks @Low i s my firsts grown ever and I was like wtf happened with that but I read here is time they don’t need that to grown

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