How long after a germinated seed goes into soil should it take to see a sprout?

Your welcome. That is for 3% peroxide though. Make sure you have that concentration or the amount changes of course.

ive tried to get in touch with yo people for the longest i did just like you suggested for sprouting seeds dark warm room cup of distilled water and two weeks later all i have is seeds in a cup of distilled water twelve of them super skunk super bla bla bla thanks for taking my cash

Hello from Buenos Aires. This is my first post.
Here, in my country, peroxide (“agua oxigenada” in Spanish) it is usually indicated as “x volumes” (meaning the volumen of gas released related to the volume of solution when peroxide decomposes) instead of percentage of H2O2 in water. I did a little search, and found “3% is equivalent to 10 volumes”.
This is for anybody (like myself) who lives where peroxide is measured in volumes, not in percent concentration. If your peroxide is old, it could be partially decomposed, and not the original concentration. Measuring volumes is easy: decompose a carefully measured amount of peroxide just putting a little bit of banana peel (or almost any organic material): enzimes in the banana peel (peroxidase) will decompose peroxide. Collect the oxygen released and measure it volume: the ratio between O2 volume and H2O2 solution original volume is the number you’re searching for.

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Hopefully i never have to use this method but great information nonetheless. Thanks for sharing. Im sure this will help someone along their journey. :v:
Welcome to the community. Youre going to fit right in. :grin:

You’re welcome.

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