How do i make pot butter out of my buds?

Would love to make pot butter to make edibles… how do i do that

1 oz trim or LARFY buds
4 sticks butter
1 cup water

Decarb trim or buds in oven set at 240 for 2 hours
Heat 1 cup water with 4 stick of butter. Add decarbed trim and simmer for 4 hours.

Using several layers gauze or cheese cloth to strain concoction and squeeze all that buttery goodness out of the filtering medium. Pour into molds to cool, trim off the top which is no good. This leaves you with clarified cannabutter. Depending on TCH content of your pot, you will get an average of 10-20 mg THC per serving.

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Thanks. Ill let u know how it works out

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Here’s some good info

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Love my butter lol. I keep it in the freezer so it’s a bit frosty

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A good rule of thumb is that 1 gram of bud equals approximately 100-200+ grams of thc(percentage of thc multiplied by 1000), depending on the strain. Also, coconut oil and clarified butter have been scientifically proven to be the best oils to use for extracting the goodies from cannabis for edibles use.

There are many methods for making budder. I definitely recommend trying a few methods to see which works best for you. Check out the various threads posted here to get a great idea of all the possibilities.

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For mine, I make my own butter. Richer smoother taste. No store bought chemicals.

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