Hogmaster back outdoors 7 stains

Yeah I moving so this is the last grow before the move


Oh ok. I hate moving, I don’t envy that

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Heading east

Well good luck to you out there. Only way I’m moving again is out in the country and out of the city. I hate living in a city


I’m heading into the mountains


Second tent is down brother lol
Now what do you have to say :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
:v: Looking good buddy



Looking real good . They look like they are liking your new light .

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Very very much so

Wow… Crazy … I know we already talked about both having boxers, but my wife and i are looking at rotties next. I owned a rescue when i lived in CO but sadly had to leave her with a freind when i came bk to east coast. Both great dogs, but boxers are the best family dogs ever in my opinion.


I love mine bro ones 2 the other 9
great dogs
that’s to funny about the rottis lmfao
both my boxers are rescues crazy both pure breed too ? best ever tho


My last boxer was a pure bred, i went to buy a differnt one and she picked me. She was the best dog ever. But when we move again its going to be further north and boxers just dont handle to cold as well, i travels for work so kids and wife are home alot, my wife is like the moderday annie oakly so she can handle her own, but i know my kids are safe when they got a 150lb dog beside them. Plus we have outside critters like rabbits and chickens so big dogs help keep yotes, weasels, and coons out since rotties are bred to be working dogs they do good with outside animals


I had a friend who used his rotti to herd cow lol the dog would knock the cows over by taking out their legs out
he would turn his body side ways and they where down
definitely a good choice brother


I know we were talking about this once before, but my neighbors rot will actually herd my and the others neighbors kids lol. He’s a good boy!

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Hahaha yeah you did mention that its cool :sunglasses:

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It’s time to have a few brownies and get to work on some trimming wish me luck :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Okay here we go

and my coconut oil brownies


Sorry @Donaldj had to throw in some leds lol

I seen that I figured walls looked a bit purple but admittedly nicer on the eyes with them not being sole light source 5x5’? or 4x4 I prefer my shades to the fixture ballast combo I can spread light more

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Just had 2 spots and had to fill it but I’m sold so far with the lec so nice to have true light compared to the plurpal And to be honest I probably don’t even need them