Higrade thc tester

Just got the basic kit cause the expansion kit was only a container and some solvent to break down the thc,cbd, Same as making RSO, so I didnt need it to test flower, i had everything needed but the the tester, so far it’s been pretty accurate, I’ve used it for store bought and dispensary bought, and although not perfect the label said 18%thc tester said 20% after diluted, tested around 50 different samples and on average it was 87% - 92% accurate to the labels. I’m ok with that for my own personal meds


It was probably more accurate than the label since they only test a sample or two from the whole batch. Different parts or even different plants in a batch can be different.

And good to know not really need the expansion


When I got it the expansion kit was not out yet, when I seen it, because I make RSO for my lady, it wasn’t anything I wasn’t doing g to get the sample to test. For Convenience I guess if someone never made oil or butter it would help them test there bud. If you make edibles it’s a good thing to have.

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If you remember next time you use it will you screenshot the results screen so I can see what all it shows? I have been eyeing that for over a year. Maybe it’ll be my Christmas present to myself this year lol.


Sure I’d be glad to! I do a test when lights come on in the morn, I’ll tag ya curious to see where these girls are🤔 Lol


Awesome thank you!

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Post it here please =)


Has anyone tried the MyDX canna kit? It’s a little more expensive than the tCheck, but supposedly gives you both cannabinoid and terp breakdowns.

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I haven’t heard of it. Browsed around their site a bit. This statement about relative accuracy is something I’m not fond of. It basically means so long as this company is in business the accuracy should get better. But it also means if the company dies so does your usability of the device. But the fact it’s relying on a database means it’s not testing thc it’s using the same method as the original post. Which is a visual guesstimate of thc content based on what it can see and comparing it to other samples. I can’t prove that just a guess since they don’t mention their actual testing method for thc that I’ve seen so far.

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Wouldnt all this ish make science fair projects soooooo much funner :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


I tested with the t-check some dried
lower(under screeh) Gold Leaf flower from this grow. Some Screenshots of the test below… I did NOT decarb… test ask if it is or not so results are in THCA which is 87.7% THC.
There is a 0.877 formula to use
Gold leaf on the site says 21%
Seems my test after conversion is closer to 23% . If someone understands this better than me please help with the conversion

I’m going to have to Decarb a sample for the thc test I guess… not to sure on the THCA thing… maybe the other tester is better. No option for flower Thc or Cbd only test… urghh, I’ve tested oils,tinctures and this first time flower… so if someone knows the flower formula…please help… have to go pick up a truck I’ll be back on later



Translation: Not Purp


My flower formula:
Flower → grinder → pipe → heat/combustion → lungs → blood → brain…repeat.

That’s cool as hell though! I’ll definitely be investing in something similar once I’m growing again.


Definitely need someone else’s help on this one I don’t know much about it or do I have the kits.
Tag some solid members

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OkTag time hoping someone can help out on these test results or can tag someone that does… thanks for all the people tagged, for your help on my grow, final flush has started today! Hope someone can help here.
@dbrn32, @Jbum, @BobbyDigital, @DoobieNoobie, @merlin44, @AAA, @Killadruid, @DankGunslinger, @PurpNGold74, @garrigan62,

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Taged a few, hopefully someone can help! …Honestly though ,the coconut oil infusion and alchohol fusion have a test for the thc and a test for cbd…pretty simple and straight forward . The new addition via software update now allows for Flower and a concentrate test also… when I press my dried flower to rosin…I’ll try to test it and see where it’s at! Up untill the last update I was only able to test oils and tinctures. Really happy with the update and love this tester
and how it is.
Still tagging @Myfriendis410 @imSICKkid @TommyBahama @elheffe702 @FrostyBuds


No I havent, seen it online when i was looking but yea the price got me, but I read up on it, and I looks like a good unit , for the price it better work! Same as I thought about the Tcheck! Lol. Found a $25 off the sale so I got it around $165.

Spund interesting tanjs fir tag let me get my hands clean and I’ll start reading

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Here’s a link to a High Times article, if not allowed please delete it… Technical stuff but the formula is in there