Hide that smell

Hi all, my back yard currently smells like I have a crowd of rastafarians living round there. Is there any way I can mask the smell. I have a charcoal filter but it still honks. It’s only on really cold mornings though, ideas anyone


How long have you had that filter?
What one did you get?
Are you using some sort of humidifier in your tent?

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Hello there, the filter is new and I would need to check the make. I don’t have a humidifier either. I’m near the end now and just need to mask if I can

How are you using a carbon scrubber outside, my things have changed since I last grew outside in the 70’s or did I misread this because of too many bonghits

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Yeppers, I misread so sorry :flushed::flushed:

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I have the carbon filter on the intake of my 5" fan. I have the exhaust venting into the soffit of the house

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@pyper I figured you had misread :rofl::rofl::rofl:
@Nicky the filter is an RC412 by flower filters

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5 inch?
Filters and fans usually come in 4,6 & 8 inch.
You could add another filter at the end that you exhaust out.
Other than that I can’t really find your filter seems like your in the UK can’t see any reviews on it.
Is it a shorty? Or is it long? If you have a short one that could be your issue.
You just need more carbon that’s the only way to fix it

By the looks of it my filter is the problem. I can see it getting swapped to a rhino filter as soon as possible. The filter itself 16" long. I’m assuming that the 412 on the label is the length. It’s around 10" diameter as well so it’s a proper chunky thing. Its mounted above my light as well so it’s in the highest point in the room

Guide me through what your thinking.

Why is your filter the problem (although it probably is because it’s not doing its job)
And why rhino filters? Never heard of them

You could just take yours apart and add new better quality active carbon.

I suspect the filter isn’t operating properly either through too much smell or too great an air flow passing through it. The filter isn’t a a well known name either so quality could be an issue as well, although it does look and feel well made. Opening it up would destroy it as it’s pretty well sealed. So I either need more filters or a bigger, better quality filter

My finding @Davyg with the cheaper filters they just don’t get the job done . I just stepped up and paid 170 bucks for a good filter. Just my opinion if you don’t pay at least $100 for filter you’re not getting much. I took a cheap one apart about 3 weeks ago poured the carbon out. There wasn’t enough in it to filter a popcorn fart. You can tell a huge difference in the cheap filter and a good filter just by the weight alone. Good luck


I can see me doing the same by the sounds of it @kellydans. I was thinking about slowing the air flow through it by using a fan speed controller. Right now my fan is flat out and possibly too much for it. The bizarre thing is that some days there’s no smell and other days it’s as if the filter isn’t there

Go look up your fan and your filter it will show the max CMF for each (airflow) and then you can see if the fan at max is to much for the filter.

If your going to buy a new one anyways then try and buy something that is a brand we all know like vivosun or Ipower (cheaper amazon ones) but if smell is really important for you (because it’s not legal where you live) then a good filter might save you from getting a fine/record/jail time so seems like a good investment to me.

That being said you could put both on the system, one as intake one as exhaust do you have double scrub.

I bought the cheapest one that had good reviews on Amazon.ca and its the vivohome brand.
I have blown the air back into my own house and it didn’t smell at all,

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I like using the speed control I can run on about mid speed and still have all the negative pressure I need inside tent. I also like using a 6in. you’re getting more filter . You can try slowing it down if that don’t work, I would buy a quality filter. I just bought a phresh filter. The last 6 weeks in full bloom that’s when you really need a product that will get the job done.
Happy growing

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@Nicky good pointers on the fan/filter issue. It’s common sense when you think about it and I will check tonight when I get home.
@kellydans I like the idea of the speed controller as well. That fan I have is like a jet engine when it spools up, be nice to be able to tame the beast a little. What sort of speed controller do you use

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They usually have built in speed controllers…

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I’m using a 60 dollar vivosun and no issues second grow on it. I will throw in I’m only growing 3 plants but they’ve stunk even since little.


I recommend the ac infinity t6. Its quiet as hell has a speed control built in and supposedly easy on the electric bill.


@Davyg you can buy one off eBay for less than 20 bucks basically just A rheostat plug into the wall plug your fan into it. an has a dial on it . Range from low to high.