Here goes the first grow

I do think the flush will help.

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Iā€™m not understanding what the issue is? Iā€™m missing something

Happy cannaversary @Pinboy


I have a plant that looks rough. Had cal mag spots that got worse even after adding more for a couple watering. Flushed her tonite. She still has some good looking and smelling buds.

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Deficiencies are not always because thereā€™s low levels of the nutrients. Did you change anything before it showed up? Even a change in watering habits can make a difference

I didnā€™t really change anything until after I noticed an issue. Then just was adding more cal mag. Had bumped up part A of jacks a little bit.

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I donā€™t and never have used jack but I donā€™t think calmag is necessary especially in soil because it has a lot in the jack. So Iā€™m thinking itā€™s probably an over or excess amount of calmag is the issue and not a deficiency.

Everyoneā€™s friend Mr @beardless has been talking about this issue and he uses jack so heā€™d have more and better information and recommendations than I would

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I had an early deficiency the first grow before I used any nutrients. I added cal mag in hellraisers advice and continued throughout the grow w no effects. So was doing the same this time.

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That just backs up what I always say growing canā€™t be done by numbers because plants are alive and will want n need different things and as we get better at reading the plants our grows get better. You would think Iā€™d have perfect grows by now though by that theory Iā€™ve been doing this for like 36-38 years :laughing:

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Then I donā€™t feel as bad only the 2nd grow. Not even a year into it.


My other hobby. I am an AVID houndsman. Love hunting deer and rabbits. Newest crop of deer beagles.

3 females 8 weeks old.


They are beautiful

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Thanks I think so too.

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Wow thatā€™s awesome! Looks like 3? Thatā€™s gotta be a handful lol!

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3 isnā€™t too bad.

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Iā€™ve never hunted with hounds, thatā€™s gotta be a trip. Thereā€™s nothing quite like hunting with well trained dogs. This is my 4yrld Lab. We donā€™t get out much but thereā€™s nobody Iā€™d rather share a blind or walk a field with


Iā€™ve got one of those too.


Hunting w hounds is a great time. Cmon to VA Iā€™ll be happy to take you. Action packed and more of a social time than still hunting.

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Lol, you have a house full!! Who knows? If this early retirement thing works out anythingā€™s possible! One things for sure, we would have plenty of good smoke!!!

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Yes that is a fact!!!

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Ya wanna train my pitbull 2 hunt :chipmunk: lmao

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