Hemp - Herm or Puffy Calyx?

Hello! This is my first time growing hemp and I’ve been checking daily to make sure I don’t get male plants when today I saw this. Do I need to kill it with fire or are these just puffy calyx’s?

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Welcome to ILGM forum. I’m not seeing any male parts. As far as the growth I’m not sure. May be a genetic abnormality. Obviously keep a eye on it and see if it starts to look more like male parts. I’m going to tag a couple of people that may have a better idea of what exactly we are seeing here. @Covertgrower @Hellraiser


I’m leaning towards a swollen calyx, but still inconclusive from the camera angle. Look for similar structures in the top part of the plant. The canopy. Should be clearer there.
Welcome to ILGM. I thought about growing some hemp, but haven’t taken the steps. Do you have a purpose for yours?


Thank you! I think I’m starting to see pistols today so I’ll just keep an eye out. As far as what I plan on doing with my hemp, probably using it for learning how to make oils, butter, soaps, etc. My state has a great farm program so it just seemed like a great time to learn how to work with the plant and have a fun project.