HELP My baby split

The wind picked up and as I went to move her she split clean down about and 1 1/2". I quickley put her together and taped her up real good, its all I had at the moment. I know need more support, getting those tonight.

What can I do?


Exactly. I have split 5 so far this year, in the outdoor grow.

Extra poles and tape or Pipe cleaners (easy bend).
Shore up each stalk and ballast the bag

Good growing to you.


Thank you. Will my baby survive?

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If you have taped it and support to remove any further stressing (so it can heal) , it should survive. Better if some stalk remained attached, just split, like a knife/tear.

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Thank you.

If it happens again you can slather some honey or aloe on the break before you tape. Both have antispetic properties help ensure a healthy recovery


I’d get a piece of plant wire (or anything you can tie) to attach them to each other above that split so they stay approximate in future wind.

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That split will be a stress but should recover with proper attention and support. There are products for repair available at any plant nursery, tree wound is an example. My grandfather made his own mix with molasses and other “stuff” to repair splits or graft a branch on his apple tree attempting to make a hybrid. I’m not certain how well this works with cannabis plants vs tree’s. I’ve seen repair done using a wet ball of soil wrapped around the wound and held in place with cling wrap or torn up t-shirt


Well thats all you can so for it now but heres a tip for you,if you put a bit of honey on the wound it helps it to repair its self and once u put the honey u wrap it up

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Keep your eye on the surrounding area and the growth above the split for anything that does not look right. That looks like the best splint I have ever seen though. Good job Doc!

Is that white plumbers tape. That is a great idea. Stealing that if this happens to me.

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Thank you brother, its actually electrical tape, its what i had. It seems to work

Someine else recomended that but i had already taped it and didnt want to fool with it.

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Yah i wouldnt do now but if it happens again use q bit of honey or aloe vera