Help ! Lol Seedling doing this

Literally over night , last time i checked them they were little tiny new growth coming up in the center now boom they’re fully out and more leave sets coming in , got em in fox farm happy frog

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Updates on the girls i must say the GSCX was Started after the Wedding Tree and She is Definitely blasting off !

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Hey guys quick gem, Target’s brand of Purified drinking water is filtered through reverse osmosis and it’s pretty affordable they sell them by the gallon

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Alright guys any idea what this can be should i break out the neem???

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I also have some bushdoctor force of nature spray on hand as well and yellow sticky traps just incase

Could maybe be just water droplets from water splashing or moisture build up causing light to burn spots. Not exactly sure, but this is a issue I have often when mine are small.

Looking good though :grin:

Yeah pappy, things got much worse and i had to start cutting off foliage , and saw something that looked like possible larvae on the under side of the leaves. My fellow grower friend suggested neem once a week until i see improvement and mulching around the plant to help prevent pests

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I bet you can tell easy which one is more sativa dominant and which one is more indica dominant lol

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I hate bugs for sure man. If it’s any bug that flys increases air movement helps sometimes. Make tje environment not easy fur bugs to be in, but things that don’t fly are a different story I guess.
I’ve been really lucky not to have much pest issues that proxide water and or neem didn’t fix quickly.
I really like the proxide water mix myself over neem.
Neem smells so bad and I know it’s supposed to nit be harmful but sometimes I wonder.
I think it killed a big fancy Yuka tree we reviving.
It was doing great after a couple proxide water treatments. Then I thought "ok 1 good dose if neem oil and it will be good to go…
I soaked it down and 3 days later ever leaf diead and I don’t think it’s coming back :sleepy:
One other time I used it to treat soil and I never got the PH back right in that plant and it was stunted bad…
I do still use neem as more if a barrier thing, I am just afraid of it, even they others use it just fine…

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Neem and coco mulch one time solved it all our girls are thriving more and more

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They look abit dry how offen do u water them and whats ur humidity in ur tent i have my humidity around 60-80% these are my seedlings at three days old

I have mixed worm castings in my soil for my seedlings and i water them with a ph water of 6.5 and i have 2.5 mls of seasol power feed mixed in my water

They aren’t dry at all , they’re doing great, Fan is blowing to regulate heat and strengthen plant.The mulch is made from coco , mulch helps the evaporation rate of the water out the soil decrease . I check the soil usual method , inch or two below surface to see if it’s dry as well as lifting the pots up and seeing how light they are. Also mist them in the tent . Humidity stays between 40-70 percent never drops lower than 60. Temperature in the tent stays between 70-85 never goes higher than that . Slightly cooler temps when the lights are off . I live in new york, it’s winter so the temperature is regulated a lot easier indoor during the winter than it would be in the summer.

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Your plants look good ,you should look into elevators and catch trays for under the pots for run off and the roots will be able to air prune. Happy Growing.

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I have been looking for these colt! You think amazon would have them? So far no luck at the local garden supply store or home depot which is closest to me

Yes amazon has them Gro pro pot elevator, they have catch trays too.

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Thanks a million

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Just ordered them